Chapter 2 Dandria

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After leaving Kaidyn's house, I walked Chantel home, and walked home. It wasn't a problem for me to walk her home, because she only stayed around the corner from me. As I began to put my keys in to door, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar. I pressd the door open and walked in. "Did someone rob us?" I thought to myself. I quickly began to relax when I realized everything was there. I closed the front door an locked it. When I walked into the small living room. I spotted my mother on the floor with a bottle in her hand. It was obvious that she was drunk. I hated the fact that she was always drinking. She worked at a bar so she would always come home fucked up and passed out. The day care would bring my 6 year old sister home when school was out. My neighbor, Ms.Rosa, would normally watch her until I made it home from school. But my mom told me she picked up Danielle early from school today.

I took the bottle from her and placed it in the kitchen. When I came back into the living room, she was snoring loud. I helped her up and and began to walk her to her room. When I reached the hallway entry I saw my little sister.

"Mommy was drinking and fell asleep again." She said in an innocent voice. I gave her a weak smile.

"I see. Did you eat anything?" I asked. "No, we don't have any thing to eat." She said holding her teddy bear tight. I was disgusted at the fact that my mother would drink constantly and not even consider the fact that she had children.

"Well how about you go wait in the kitchen and I will be in there in a few after I put Mommy in the bed." I spoke.

"Okay!" she smiled and skipped to the kitchen.

"Driaaa.. you... ain her damn... mama let me fix my baby... something to eaaaa...." she slurred her words and quickly fell back to sleep. I rolled my eyes and carried her into her room. l laid her in the bed a pulled a cover over her. As I was walking towards the door, I heard her say

"Dria... I love... you baby.." I didn't look back. This was a typical night.

I entered the kitchen.

"Lemme see what I can find for the big girl." I said. It was obvious that Danielle was happy. I didn't like her being hungry. I searched through the nearly empty pantry.

"Bingo" I said. I had found some macaroni shells and cheese.

"Yay! macaroni my favorite!" Danielle said. I smiled. I cooked it for her and watched her eat. Afterwards I gave her a bath and fixed her hair. She got in the bed and was sound asleep before I knew it. I went into the front area and attempted to clean. When I was finished, I took a shower and got into the bed with my sister. I would have to I use my 48 dollars I had to get a couple of groceries for the house tomorrow after school.

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