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Everyone could just fuck off.
Rael had just finished a fight with some member of the Union, and he was honestly ready to pass out right then right there.
The fight had taken a lot longer and required a lot more effort than Rael had wanted to put forth and now nobody would leave him alone to the peace and quiet of his mind.
He was already a pissy person by nature and now everyone couldn't seem to mind their own business, they all suddenly seemed to want to know what went on in full detail, he knew they were just trying to help or some shit like that, but he was so done. All he wanted was to lie down and sleep for the next few days, the only person who seemed to understand this at the moment was, as much as he hated to admit it, Regis. If Seira were here he probably wouldn't have been annoyed with her but she was in Lukdonia reporting in with the Lord. Of course Rai and Frankenstein weren't agitating him either but that was a given.
"Yeah, but what happened after you passed out?" Tao questioned for the fifth time in the past ten minutes.
That had been it, that was what snapped the final straw, what threw him over the edge, Rael stood up causing the chair to tumble backwards making a loud crash.
M-21 immediately stood up to defend Tao,
"Calm the fuck down! We're just trying to figure out what the hell happened out their today!"
Takeo nodded in agreement but still held '-21 back as Regis grabbed Rael's arm to keep him from jumping M-21.
Just as Rael was going to retort back Regis moved in between the two, facing Rael his hands on his shoulders. He looked straight into Rael's eyes and said in a language that only he and Rael used and understood,
"You didn't do anything wrong, they're just trying to help Rael. Just calm down a moment before you make a mess of things." Regis's voice was set in a soothing tone and the language change completely surprised the trio of modified humans but Rael almost seemed not to notice as he easily switched to the same language to reply to Regis.
"I don't care what they're trying to do! They're asking stupid questions I know they know the answers to! Can't they just leave me be!" Rael was a little more calm but still shouting at Regis, only now the trio couldn't understand him.
"I'll talk it out with them. Okay? Just go rest a while and cool your head. Nobody is thinking straight and we're all tired out okay?" Regis was still talking softly despite Rael's yelling.
The trio watched as the two exchanged words, they could only guess what they were saying, but by the way Rael kept gesturing towards them and yelling, he was still angry over something and Regis was obviously trying to calm him down before he broke something...or someone.
Regis finally managed to calm Rael down, after a couple close calls and, from what the trio could tell, death threats, and get him to use his inside voice. Rael stalked away to his bedroom and Regis apologized to the trio, saying that Rael really didn't mean it he was just tired they could ask questions later after they all had had time to process the events of the night. After their exchange Regis began to make his way to his own room. The trio stared after the two realizing that Rael had gone into Regis's room, he must really be tired... Regis saw this as well and looked as confused as the others before going through the door, concerned for Rael.

For those of you reading my other stories the reason for me not updating would be this.... I don't like to start other story chapters until the draft I'm working on is done and this one took longer than I wanted it to... Sorry!
Anyway I hope you enjoyed!


RegisxRael (noblesse fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora