Night 2

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The entire day whenever someone aggravated Rael he would begin to yell at them but would suddenly stop and blush lightly before yelling at them to forget it and go back to whatever he had been doing before. This behavior was a welcomed change but a confusing one, why was Rael being less aggressive?
    The children seemed to notice too but he wasn't all rainbows and sunshine, he was still not the most approachable person in the world so they kept their distance. Rael would often just kinda seem to space out, not horribly just like he would be deep in thought for a moment and then fine the next... When they finally got the courage to ask what was up, Rael was back to his usual self and seemed to work out whatever inner turmoil he was going through.
   The children left later in the day deciding not to stay for dinner. After dinner in the Frankenstein household the residents began to retreat to their rooms. Yet again Regis found Rael face down on his bed only this time with his own pillow. Regis thought about kicking him out but he didn't really have a reason to even though he was slightly embarrassed about this mornings events, plus he really was pretty tired out from wandering around with the children so he decided not to instigate a fight and just flopped down next to Rael. Rael didn't think he would actually get to stay two nights and snaked his arms around Regis pulling him closer. After around 1 hour Rael deemed Regis asleep and sat up to look at Regis's face in the moonlight, something he'd been planning since he woke up this morning. Regis was flat on his back his head tilted to the side causing only one side of his face to be visible in the dark room. His hair, which was usually slicked back and in perfect order, was messy and sprawled out on the pillow. Rael reached to brush the hair away from Regis's face and realized how soft it was to touch. Regis flinched slightly when Rael's hand made contact with the cool skin and shifted slightly, ending up in the fetal position grasping Rael's other arm effectively pulling him back onto the bed. When Rael hit the bed with a soft thump Regis opened his eyes and say up a little seeing Rael lying next to him head propped up with his hand. Regis rubbed his eyes and yawned before running his hand through his hair and looking back at Rael processing that the other was fully awake at this time. Rael looked up at Regis and pulled the other down into the bed wrapping his arms around him and tangling their legs together. Regis didn't seem to mind and just wrapped his arms around Rael as well.

They stayed like that for a moment until Rael leaned his face close to Regis's and pushed their lips together.

RegisxRael (noblesse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now