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The entire trip home passed in a blur.
Rael gripped Regis's hand as tightly as he could without possibly hurting him any more than he already was. Regis still hadn't shown any signs of waking up even as practically everyone in the car was screaming at everything trying to get home as fast as possible so they could treat Regis, or at least try.
   When they arrived Regis was carefully transported to the lab where Frankenstein abruptly shut everyone out. Rael wanted to yell at him, tell him he needed to be with Regis but found his voice was refusing to work and his limbs refusing to move.
    When Seira came back from dropping off the children she found all memebers of the household gathered on the couch Tao seemed to be trying, and failing, to lighten the mood while Takeo and M-21 sat an either side of him deciding wether shutting him up would be a good or bad idea. Rai seemed concerned as he held his now cold tea. Rael was in a chair off to the side head in his hands, at first glance he just looked annoyed at Taos talking but if you looked closer you could see he was shaking just slightly. Rael couldn't help but think that somehow this was all his fault. His eyes glazed over with tears but he refused to let himself cry, now wasn't the time and there was no way he was showing his weakness in front of all these people even if he was starting to trust them more. So he sat in silence waiting for any sort of news on Regis.

When Frankenstein emerged he looked angry and sad all wrapped into one. Rael was up in an instant along with everyone else, immediately questions spilled out of their mouths wondering if their youngest noble was okay.
"He's stable for now, but there's a 50/50 chance he won't make it through the night and even if he does... he may not wake up again."

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