Chapter 18: On the Run..... Again :/

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Taylors P.O.V

As we fled into deeper parts of the foresyt that even I have never been into, my mind was reeling from the most unexpected turn of events. This crazy man named Croton first off stalked us, then killed my "prey", then checked out my mate, then on top of that the dick head had the nerve to try to make her!!! Oh the next time I see his ass oh best believe that imma have something for his ass! >:0

Shayla suddenly turned left and dragged me with her. I heard a howl, a long deep hungry howl and I knew tharbhe was on to us! I picked up the pace and over ran Shayla, now she was stumbling to follow me! I had to think fast, we couldnt run all night, sooner or later we would have to stop.

I could smell him. he was close... very close. I sped up even faster the adrenaline was pumped into over drive.We flew over the wet damp earth.

" Get up a tree now!!" Shayla hissed to me. I ran for another couple of seconds before jumping up the nearest tree cab flung myself up the branches trying to get as high as possible. I heard the leaves shake as she followed me. I finally slowed down and sat down on a thick branch and hauled her up to sit across from me.

We where both breathing hard, it took us a few minutes to catch our breath enough to even talk.

She spoke first, "You know he is not going to stop until he finds us right?!"

" Thats why we need to stop him before he gets us yeah?!" I whispered.

" Taylor. ... I felt something when he touched me. And im not talking about his dick, this was something more. I have only felt that way one time before in my life and that was when I met you. "

I sat there looking stunned and it felt like she had ripped my heart out. Could it be true, was this man her mate, so what does that make me? I had never heard of any wolf have more than one mate. But as much as I hate to admit it, when I saw him the first time I felt a pull at my heartstrings.

" I felt something to... I didn't want to feel it but it just happened." I stammered.

She just looked at me for a second before she grabed at me and pulled me to her and kissed me with a passion of such a magnitude I couldn't even breathe. I grabbed her head and pulled her closer, meshing our bodies together. The sparks flew and for a second all was forgotten, except Shayla and I. Then the tree shook and we pulled apart with a gasp. I looked down and I saw Croton standing there at the base of the tree smiling up at us. My heart skipped a beat and all I wanted to do was to pull Taylor down and run and jump in his arms. Wait.... Wah I was suppose to be mad at this jerk, but my Wolf was itching to be near him. I growled and shook my head to clear Her form my head.

"Can't you take a hint you fuck twat leave us alone!!!" I screamed down at him.

But my heart wasn't in it and that pissed me off all the more! Taylor grabbed me and pulled me to her and whispered in my ear,

" come on love he is not gonna leave us alone, we might as well just give in, the pull is too strong, my Wolf wants him to mark us. I know it's crazy but I feel it and I know you do too!"

I sighed and jumped down landing inches away from him. My breathe hitched as I smelled his powerful and intoxicating scent. His eyes glazed over as he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. I felt Shayla next to me pulling my behind her and pushing me up against the trunk. I peaked around her and looked at him. His eyes where still closed and I could tell he was having an internal fight with his Wolf. He was breathing hard and shaking slightly, Shayla reached out and touched his face. Crotons eyes flew open and he pushed his face into her and and smiled. Instead of my Wolf being jelly, she sighed with pride because she could feel the connection and it made her happy. I still was a little nervous, and I coughed a little to break it up. Shayla drew her hand away and pulled me to her side.,I snuggled in close to her and just stared.

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