Chapter 23: A Midnight Excursion

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Croton P.O.V

 *    I was running through the forest and I couldn't see where I was going. I stumbled over a root and I fell. I was scrambling to get up, when I was suddenly pinned down by a immense weight. I felt the hot putrid breath bearing down on my naked flesh and hot saliva dripping on my back. I felt my dads teeth graze my back as he laid his mass over my body. He was breathing heavy and I felt him shift above me. I was fighting, screaming, pleading him not to do this to me again. He laughed and covered my mouth with his sweaty, meaty hand and told me to hold still. I bucked and thrashed trying to throw him off of me. I would couldn't, no I wouldn't let him do this to me again. He grunted and panted as he entered me. I screamed bloody murder, pain shooting though me. He bent down to my ear as he thrust into me again and said " Remember who will die if you tell anybody about this midnight excursion." All I could see was my sweet mothers face and I closed me eyes thinking of her and her alone.*

   I woke up with a shudder as the pain and fear wash over me like a cold shower. I looked around, my heart beating a mile a minute. My eyes fell on my two gorgeous mates laying beside me in the master bedroom. We had fixed the room that day and replaced everything that was broken and we had all crawled into the bed. I instantly relaxed and my Wolf stopped pacing long enough to sigh in content at our mates. 

I slowly got out of bed making sure that I didn't wake them as I did. I pulled on some cargo shorts and went down stairs and out the door into the back yard. The moon was high and the air was crisp, I walked around the boulder to the border of back yard to the forest. The soft mossy grass felt slippery to my bare feet. The hot humid air blew against my bare chest and I inhaled deeply loving the smell of nature. 

I took off, not really knowing where I am going just running. I pumped my arms harder and I felt a burst a speed run through my legs and the wind whipped at my face. I turned towards the west and ran for what seemed like hours. 

I stopped when my lungs where burning and my legs felt like jelly. I flopped down and laided on my back looking at the stars through the canopy's of the tress high above. I let my eyes flutter closed, when I suddenly heard the bushes rumble to my left. I was up in a flash in a low crouch looking intently at the bush. Something scrambled around me circling me. I tensed readying for a fight. 

" Wow... you look better up close. You have grown since the last time I say you." A low rumble came to my ears from the right.

"Who is there, reveal yourself!" I blared.

" Damn, you have grown into a nice shapely young man. Muscles all hard and gleaming. I wonder if your ass is still as tight as it was the last time we met." 

I froze, my head spinning and a cold sweat broke out on me. I slowly swallowed and backed up a step. 

" yourself."

"Don't you remember me? "

"I do, I know damn well who you are, no show yourself so I can tear you apart!" I growled, snarling into the consuming dark ahead of me. 

" Oh, you know more than most how I love a struggle." The dreaded voice said laughing deeply.

A shadow came forward and in the moonlight I could just make out the figure of my dad looking ragged and primal. 

I gasped and took another step back, when I heard a movement behind me I turned around and I saw at least 10 pair of glowing wolf eyes staring back at me. I growled and crouched turning back to my dad. 

" What are you to scared to come and fight me alone. Afraid that I will kick your ass?" I laughed, smirking.

" No, I  don't want hurt you. I want you to come with me like a good son. I miss you."

"You think I would ever come back to you?!" I spat.

" Oh son, I thought I wouldn't have to use force. Just think of what dear old mommy would think if you didn't come see daddy." 

" You leave her out of this you monster!" I was shaking so hard my teeth vibrated in my head.

" Oh your mother is more in it than you know. Now just come with us peacefully and we wont hurt you or your mates." 

My body jerked at the sound of mates. * How does he know about them?* I couldn't let them touch my mates. I slumped my shoulders and took a step forward. My dad smiled evilly and I heard a sharp whistle and felt the pin prick or a dart in my neck. 

I dropped to me knees, weak and sleepy I looked up at the moon, all blurry and spinning. Before I succumbed I let my connection out to my mates and said,

"* I will always love you my sweet little mates."* 

That's all I could muster before I passed out falling into the consuming darkness of drugs. 


Taylors P.O.V: 

"* I Will always love you my little mates."*

I heard Crotons voice in my head and my Wolf whined in sorrow. Something was wrong! 

I was up in a flash shaking Shayla out of her slumber. She had heard it to because she was already up before I could shake her twice. 

" What happened?" Shayla said

"I don't know, but I know its not good." 

"Come on lets go downstairs and see whats going on." 

We walked out the bedroom downstairs, being careful not to make to much noise. The house was still asleep. I went to my office looking in to see if he was in there. He had most definatly been down this way, his smell was still strong. He hadn't been gone that long. I grabbed Shaylas hand went outside to the back yard. 

I froze when I saw the blood letters on the boulder. It smelt like his. I groaned and Shayla gasped when she saw what I was looking at. It was in a sloppy hand running together and rushed. It said,

- just took back what was mine in the first place. Daddies missed his son. Come after him and you will regret it Alpha Shayla and Taylor.-

I fet my heart sink. I had just found him and now he is gone. I felt myself start to shake as the anger bulit up like a dam in my body. I felt Shayla tense next to me as she looked at me with pain dripping though her eyes like tears. 

I growled, low in my throat a gurgle sound that cam  from my core. I turned to her and said,

" Go and pack a bag, and go in my closet move the clothes and press the wall. Get my Katanas and pick out some weapons for you. We are going a hunting for this sick bastard and get our mate back." 

She just nodded and stumbled back into the house. I walked over to the hose and turned it on and walked over to the boulder and sprayed the blood with the water. It dripped down and soaked into the thirsty earth. I vow that so help my gods I will soak the earth with ever last one of those fuckers blood. I will enjoy every moment of it! Nobody fucks with my mates! NOBODY!!!! 

Hugabug out. Lets just say its gonna get bloody and gory with lots of death and primal shit. Nobody fucks with the mates bro! 




Love you guys you keep me going with this! 

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