Chapter 3: So Yeah... that was awkward >:/

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Chapter 3: So Yeah... that was Awkward >:/


So as I was standing there my wolf was fighting to get lose and tear that bitch to shreds, because she had just insulted my gorgeous mate. I was half tempted to let her take over but if I only have one rule that I live my life by its that I never kill unless its the last resort, let alone a fellow pack mate. The slut wanted to have me, she would have me at my worst. I slowly made my way toward her my aura bursting out in all directions, everybody was backing up to not get burned, even she backed up, but did not stand down. That just made my wolf fighting  harder to take control because she didn't like to challenged, let alone by a low ranking wolf!  I said letting all my Alpha and  venom into my words,” You WILL apologize to my mate, that is Luna you are talking to, you don't have to like her, but you sure as hell will RESPECT HER at ALL times... do you understand me????!!!” She looked at me for a second longer, trying to hold her eyes, but her wolf gave in to my power and she looked down and said ,” Yes Alpha”. She turned to my mate and said, “ I'm sorry Luna.” The sorry didn't  reach her eyes, and my wolf wanted her to say sorry like she fucking mean it, but I let it go and changed back, and since I was naked and as i turned around saw  her checking me out. I had never been ashamed of my body in front of my pack but for some reason i wanted to hide. But when I looked into her eyes they where filled with lust and wanting, which had my wolf purring with delight and said to me,"Oy, meu Deus, ela gosta do que vê ... eu me pergunto o que ela parece sem roupa?" I laughed thinking about what she would look like with nothing on, i couldn't deny it. As I walked over to her a grabbed her hand and pulled her close, keeping her slightly behind me, my wolf still on egde. I said in a play tone," So yeah... that was awkward, carry on você bando selvagem de desajustados ... o que é por isso queeu te amo( Translation:* For all you none speakers*  you wild bunch of misfits... o that's why I love ya) I opened the door and pulled her gently out behind me. I said," Come on follow me, I'm going to take you somewhere where we can talk." She was not even looking at me but at my chest, sure it turned me on and made me want to take her right then and there, there would plenty of time for that... later. I pulled her along the edge of the road an into the woods where I i turned to her and said," First off whats your name beautiful and second take off your clothes." I know i should have been a little more detailed with the second part, but she did as I told her and see said after she was done," My names Shayla, and a'rnt you a get straight the the point kinda person?" She laughed and came up behind me because I had turned around, I didn't trust myself or my wolf when we saw her NAKED. She wrapped he arms around my waist and pulled me to her. The feeling of her touching me made me catch my breath as our skin touched. I had to stop my self from turning around and pushing her up against the nearest tree and taking her. I would later, i wanted our first time together to be nice and slow. She leaned into into my neck flicking lightly with her tongue before whispering in my ear," So what you want to talk about!?" She then grind ed against me then all of a sudden was gone leaving me cold and missing her touch. I turned around to see her eyes glaze over as i in a husky voice," If you keep doing that babe I might not be able to control myself and I want out first time to be special, not on the forest floor at midnight..... we can do that at a later date." She smiled at me and sauntered towards me, I had my eyes glued to her body, watching the way her hips swayed this way and that( Girl Boner much??!!) I walked toward her to only to turn her around and gently push her forward deeper into the woods. As I walked to get ahead of her she said to me," Did anybody ever tell you that you have a great ass?" I blushed and walked faster and replied,"T....Thanks, change into your wolf we have a good distance to cover." I could her her mumbling about me being a tease and I just launched  and burst into my wolf, running off, I could hear running behind me a second after nipping at me heels occasionally.... The chase was on!!!!!!!!!!!


Tralalalalalalalala I was thinking about when they do have $%^ then I should make resticted chapters each time,,, i dont know yet what do yall think

p.S... trust and believe ever resticted chapter will be differnt 

Until tomarrow my good freinds <3

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