D: Three islands

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Chod030 dare:
"Hey Phili turn yourself into your three islands and see if the other aseans will react or something"
Philippines: Lol okay


Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao: Finally! We're free!

In the living room
Indonesia: Hey, where's my lil' sister?
Thailand: Idk... PHILI! PHILI!

~No answer~

Brunei: Where could she been? That clumsy girl...
Myanmar: Meh idk

*Stomp stomp stomp*

Cambodia: I-is that a burglar?!
Malaysia: Nope
Laos: Why is there sounded like three person upstrair?
Vietnam: Hmph... Maybe it's just a cat
Myanmar: Wow, you sounded just like Greece!
Vietnam: Shut up

The three islands: HEY GUYS!
Myanmar: GAH! There's three other islands! Kill it with water!
Cambodia: You stupid Bruma... It's Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao you idiot.😧
Indonesia: T-that's mean... I have 3 other sisters?! 😍
The three islands: Uh-oh...

In the 2p's world
2p!Admin: And that's why Indie is in psychiatric hospital and Bruma is in jail because he tried to kill them with water balloons *Sips tea*
2p!Iceland: Could you please just stop telling us story? It's sucks ya' know. It is sucker than a puffin.

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