Riddle 10

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Answer: So..I would choose the long bridge. Why? Its not sturdy. The people would fall off the bridge when it itself would collapse. I would probably make it before the bridge collapses. 

Riddle 10:

What I think? Uhh....OOH!! I KNOW THE ANSWER! (i THINK) THIS WAS SO EASY! (I DON'T KNOW) WHO SAID 99% WOULD GET IT WRONG? (Who knows if the 99% involves me ._.) LETS SEE WHATS YOUR ANSWER! MINE WILL BE IN NEXT CHAPTER. PLEASE WRITE YOUR FIRST ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS. I WILL BE EXCITED TO SEE YOUR ANSWER! If you have a riddle and want to share it, then you could , message me or say it in my profile. I would be happy to put it in this book (I give credits, unless if I have no idea who the creator was, or I forgot the creator's name...) 

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