Chap 3 "Baymax"

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Alli's POV
Niall left. I grabbed the Megabot that I had for the bot fight. The bottom fell off and hit my left foot. "Ow!" I exclaimed. I sat on my bed and held my foot. "Dammit. Ow." I heard something in Zayn's room. I turned my head and say Baymax. He was adorable, yet funny to make his way over to me. He made some books fall but he eventually got to me. "You're adorable."
"Hello," Baymax held up his hand. "I am Baymax. Your personal health care companion."
"Hey," I nodded. "Baymax, I didn't know you were still active."
"I heard a sound of distress," Baymax replied. "What seems to be the trouble?"
"Oh, I just stubbed my toe, a little," I stated. "I'm fine."
"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked.
"A zero? I'm okay. Thanks. You can shrink now."
"Does it hurt when I touch it?"
Baymax tried to touch my toe. "No, no." I stopped him. "No touching." I slipped on my rug and fell between my bed and my bookcase. "Ow."
"You have fallen," Baymax looked down at me.
"You think?" I tried to grab my shelf to get up by the shelf broke from the wall and the stuff on the shelf started hitting me in the face. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow!"
"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked.
"It is alright to cry."
"No, no, no, no," I protested as Baymax picked me up and cradled me.
"Crying is a normal response to pain," Baymax nodded.
"I'm not crying," I replied and got out of his arms.
"I will scan you for injures."
"Don't scan me."
"Scan complete."
"You have sustained no injuries. However, your hormone and neurotransmitters levels indicate that you're experiencing mood swings. Common in adolescents. Diagnosis, puberty."
"I already hit puberty," I nodded. "Time to shrink now."
I grabbed the red box and sat it in front of Baymax. I tried pushing him back into his box. "I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care," Baymax replied.
"Fine, I'm satisfied with my -" Before I could finish, Baymax slipped from under me and I hit the floor. "I give up." My jacket was under my bed, moving. "Huh?" I grabbed my microbot from my jacket pocket and it was moving. "This doesn't make any sense."
"Puberty can be a confusing time for a young adolescent flowering into womanhood."
"The thing's attracted to other microbots but that's impossible. They were destroyed in the fire. Dumb thing's broken." I put it in a glass container. "Oh well." I sat down and worked on my Megabot. "I gave up on it anyways."
"Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere."
"Oh yeah? Why don't you find out where it's trying to go?"
"Would that stabilize your mood swings?"
"Uh huh. Absolutely." I heard the café door. "Baymax?" I turned around and he was gone. "Baymax? Baymax?" I heard cars honking. I looked out the window and Baymax was in the streets. "Baymax!" I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my jacket. I raced downstairs. "No."
Aunt Cas stopped me at the café door. "Allison," Aunt Cas smiled.
"Hey," I smiled. "I gotta go. I'm going to go register." I left and ran down the streets. "Baymax?" I looked around and saw him on a ferry. "Baymax!" I ran after him. I saw him. "Baymax!" I followed him and we stopped at a wooden door that had a lock on it. "Baymax, you crazy? What are you doing?"
"I have found where your tiny robot wants to go."
"I told you, it's broken," I sighed as I grabbed the container from him. "It's not trying to go -" I looked at the microbot and Baymax was right. "Huh..." I looked at the door. "It's locked."
"There is a window."
I looked up. We went up to it but I was still short. I stood on Baymax's head. "Please exercise caution. A fall from this height could lead to bodily harm."
I climbed through the down. "Come on Baymax," I sighed.
Baymax was in the window. "Oh no."
"Excuse me while I let out some air."
Baymax was making a lot of noise. "Uhm...are you done?"
"Yes." I pulled him through. "It will take me a moment to re-inflate."
"Fine, just keep it down." I started following my microbot. I saw a light and a curtain put up. I put my bot back in my pocket and grabbed a broom. I went towards the curtain and looked. I saw a convector belt. I picked up a handful. "My microbots? Someone's making more."
I screamed and jumped as I turned around and saw Baymax. I stopped. "You gave me a heart attack!"
"My hands are equipped with defibrillators. Clear!"
"Stop, stop, stop." I stopped Baymax. "It's just an expression."
"Oh no."
I turned around and say the microbots moving on its own. "Run!" I started running. I turned around and looked at Baymax. "Oh, come on!"
"I am not fast."
"Yeah, I know." I grabbed Baymax and pulled him along with me. "No kidding." I tried kicking the door. "No. Kick it down." Baymax did a kick. "Punch it." Baymax did. "Your useless as a marshmallow right now. Go, go!" I pushed Baymax. I pulled him along. "Come on." We got to the window. I saw a guy in a kabuki mask. "Go." Baymax went first and he was stuck. "Suck it in." I pushed him. He went through but he ended back up inside and I was holding him from his legs. "Baymax!"
We started falling. Baymax hugged me close and we fell on his back. We landed on the ground. "Whoa," I sighed. "Let's get out of here." I pulled Baymax along and we went to the police station. I told the officer what happened but he looked at me like I was crazy. "You don't believe me."
"Alright, let me get this straight. A man in a kabuki mask with an army of miniature flying robots," the officer repeated.
"Microbots," I nodded.
"Microbots," the officer typed.
"He was communicating with them telepathically with a neuro-cranium transmitter."
"So Mr. Kabuki was using ESP to attack you and balloon man." Baymax got a strip of tape as he inflated his left arm. He had three holes. He covered each hold with a piece of tape. We just looked at Baymax. He did the same thing to his right arm. "Did you file a report when your flying robots were stolen?"
"No, I thought they were all destroyed," I sighed. "Look, I know it sounds crazy, but Baymax was there too. Tell him."
"Yes officer," Baymax held his finger up. "He's telling the tru-"
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
"Low battery," Baymax's voice was getting distorted.
"Try to keep it together," I sighed.
"Kid, how about we call your parents and get them down here?" the officer asked.
"I'm not a kid," I sighed. I had to get Baymax home. I walked out of the police department with him. "We have to get you home to your charging station. Can you walk?" Baymax was saying a lot of weird things like he was drunk. I took him home. I closed the front door. "If my aunt asks, we were at school all day. Got it?"
"We jumped out of a window!" Baymax loudly stated.
"No, shh," I nodded.
"We jumped out a window," Baymax whispered.
"You can't say things like that around Aunt Cas. Shhh."
"Shhhh..." I went up the stairs. Baymax tried but he fell face first. I looked at him. He got up. "Shhhh."
"Allison? You home, sweetie?" Aunt Cas asked.
"Uh, that's right," I smiled as I went to the top of the stairs and smiled.
"The wings are almost ready," Aunt Cas nodded.
"Weeee!" Baymax appeared next to me.
I pushed him down. "Will you be quiet?" I whispered.
"Yeah, weeee," Aunt Cas repeated.
I pushed Baymax up the other set of stairs. "Uhm, since I registered so late I've got a lot of school stuff to catch up on," I sighed.
We heard a thud upstairs. "What was that?" Aunt Cas asked.
"Probably Mochie," I sighed. "That darn cat."
Mochie was rubbing against my legs. "At least take a plate for the road," Aunt Cas smiled.
"Thanks for understanding," I smiled as I went upstairs with my plate. "Thank you."
Baymax was holding Mochie and petting her. "Hairy baby," Baymax stated. "Hairy baby."
Mochie left. "Alright," I sighed as I put my plate down and picked up Baymax. "Alright, come on." I got Baymax to stand in his charging station. He started re-inflating. I laid down in bed and looked at the microbot I had. "This doesn't make any sense."
"Zayn," Baymax sighed.
"What?" I asked as I sat up.
"Zayn," Baymax looked at Zayn's bed.
"Zayn's gone," I sighed as I closed the curtain.
"When will he return?"
"He's dead, Baymax."
"Zayn was in excellent health. With a proper diet and exercise, he should have lived a long life."
"Yeah, he should have. There was a fire and now he's gone."
"Zayn is here."
"No. People keep saying he's not really gone as long as we remember him. It still hurts."
"I see no evidence of physical injuries."
"It's a different kind of hurt," I sighed as I sat in my chair.
"You are my patient, I would like to help," Baymax stated.
"You can't fix this one, buddy," I sighed. Baymax walked to Zayn's computer and stuff was just moving on his body. "What are you doing?"
"I am downloading a database on personal loss," Baymax replied. "Database downloaded. Treatment includes contact with friends and loved ones." I looked at him. "I am contacting them now."
The pictures of Gogo, Honey, Niall, and Fred popped up on Baymax. "No, no, no, no. Don't do that."
The image disappeared. "Your friends have been contacted."
I stood up. "Unbelievable." Baymax hugged me. "Now, what are you doing?"
"Other treatments include compassion and physical reassurance."
"I'm okay. Really."
"You will be alright." Baymax pat my head twice as he said, "There. There."
I smiled. "Thanks, Baymax."
Baymax let go of me. "I am sorry about the fire."
"It's okay. It was an accident." I saw the microbot on my desk and I picked it up. "Unless it wasn't. The showcase. The guy in the mask stole my microbots and then set the fire to cover his tracks. He's responsible for Zayn. We gotta catch that guy." Baymax and I snuck downstairs to the garage. "If we're going to catch that guy, you're going to need some upgrades." I grabbed my scanner. "Arms out to the side."
Baymax did and I scanned him. "Will apprehending the guy in the mask improve your emotional stage?"
"Absolutely. Let's work on your moves." I downloaded a karate movie and downloaded it to a chip. "Gotta wait a while for that." I looked at Baymax. "Now, let's take care of this." I poked at his tummy. Baymax did it twice and I laughed. I made a customized armor for Baymax. I got the suit on Baymax. "So, what do you think?"
"I have some concerns. This armor may undermine my non-threatening huggable design."
"That's kind of the idea, buddy. You look sick."
"I cannot be sick. I am a robot."
"It's just an expression."
"Data transfer complete," my desktop stated.
I got out the chip and marked it with a skull and crossbones. "Here we go," I sighed. I opened the access port on Baymax and put the chip in him. "There we go."
"I fail to see how karate makes me a better health care companion."
"You wanna keep me healthy, don't you?" I smiled. I held up a board. "Punch this." Baymax broke it in half. "Yes." We tried a lot of other moves. "Yes! I did it." I held out my fist. "Fist bump."
"Fist bump is not in my fighting database."
"No, this isn't a fighting thing. It's what people do sometimes when they're excited or punched up." I taught Baymax a handshake: palms, backhand, fist bump, explosion. "There you go."
"Ba-la-la-la," Baymax, exploded his fist bump.
"I guess robots can't make the same sound," I giggled. "Now you got it."
"I will add fist bump to my caregiving matrix."
"Alright, let's go and get that guy," I smiled.

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