Chap 7 "Finding A Different Angle"

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Alli's POV
The next day we knew Callaghan would be at Cray Tech Industries. We suited up and went to the location. We saw Callaghan and Cray. "Professor Callaghan," I called. "Let him go. Is this what Abagail would've wanted?"
"Abagail is gone," Callaghan replied.
"This won't change anything," I nodded. "Believe me. I've tried."
"Listen to the kid, Callaghan," Cray stated. "Please, let me go. I'll give you anything you want."
"I want my daughter back," Callaghan stated as he put his mask back on.
Callaghan sent microbots after us. The team split from Baymax and I. "Go for the mask," I stated. Baymax started flying. Microbots got Baymax's foot and Callaghan twirled us around. Baymax hit the wall and I went flying into the building. "Ow." Things were starting to float and I was on the ceiling. "Oh no." The ceiling broke. "Ahh!" I grabbed onto a hook. I saw Gogo get trapped in a ball of microbots, Fred was held by his arms and legs, Niall was trying to hold off the two walls that was going to crush him, and Honey was trapped in her own bubble and a spear of microbots was stabbing through it. "No!" I tapped on my helmet with my free hand to turn on our communicating devices. The hook broke and I grabbed onto the cable. "Ugh!"
"Alli!" Honey called.
"Help!" Niall yelled.
They were calling my name. I looked at the warp above me and I saw the microbots being sucked into it. "That's it," I stated. "I know how to beat him. Listen up. Use those being brains of yours and think your way around the problem." I looked at the team. "Look for a new angle." I saw Niall and he went through the ground. "That's it Niall." I saw Honey get out of her bubble by the microbot spear. "There's Honey." Fred got a sign and cut the restraints. "There you go, Fred." Gogo cut her way out of the microbots. "Gogo, go!" I smiled. I saw Baymax. "Baymax!" I saw Baymax flying. I smiled. I let go of the cable and I landed on Baymax's back. "Yes!" Baymax landed and the team assembled around us. "Okay, New plan." Baymax was flying close to the ground as my four friends ran alongside us. "Forget the mask. Take out the bots. They'll get sucked up into the portal."
"Now that is a plan," Niall smiled.
"Honey, Fred, can you get us some cover?" I asked.
"Like you have to ask," Fred smiled.
"Let's do this Freddy!" Honey exclaimed as they left.
It got really foggy. Baymax took me into the air. Baymax dodged the microbot pillars. "Ready?" I asked as he kept dodged them. "And now!" Baymax started punching the pillars. "Yes!"
"Whoa!" Niall exclaimed. "Gravity is getting a little weird here, guys."
"Use it, Niall," I stated. They were destroying microbots one by one. I was with Baymax doing what I could. "Yes."
"Back kick, side hand, round house, hammer fist," Baymax stated as he did them.
After the last punch, Baymax was caught around his arms with the bots. "This ends now!" Callaghan sternly exclaimed.
No microbots came at us. I nodded. "Looks like you're out of microbots," I smiled. "Baymax." Baymax broke out. He had his fist out and went at Callaghan but stopped about six inches away. "Our programming prevents us from injuring a human being. But we'll take that." Baymax took the mask and crushed it. All the microbots were falling to the ground, along with the portal. I met up with my team on the ground. The portal was still active. "It's still on. We have to shut it down." Cray joined us. "Cray!"
"We can't," Cray nodded. "The containment field is failing. The formula is going to tear itself apart."
"We need to get out of here now," I stated. We started running. I looked back and saw Baymax. "Baymax!"
I ran up to him. "My sensor is detecting signs of life," Baymax stated.
"What?" I asked.
"Coming from there," Baymax pointed at the portal. "The life signs are female. She appears to be in hyper sleep."
"Callaghan's daughter," I sighed. "She's still alive."
"Abagail," Callaghan stated.
I got on Baymax's back. "Let's go get her," I nodded.
"The portal is destabilizing," Cray nodded. "You'll never make it."
"She's alive in there," I looked at Cray. "Someone has to help. What do you say, buddy?"
"Flying makes me a better healthcare companion," Baymax looked at me.
"Let's go," I nodded. We went into the portal. It was beautiful with all the different colors. "Careful. There's Cray Tech debris everywhere." Baymax was looking for the sign of life. "Look out." I jumped onto the piece of glass. I ran and jumped through a hole. I landed on Baymax's front side as he caught me. "Thank you."
"I have located the patient," Baymax stated.
I saw the space hub. "Hurry," I nodded. I got back on Baymax's back and we went towards the hub. I wiped the glass and she was asleep. "Come on, buddy. Let's get her home." I got on the hub and Baymax got to the back. "I'll guide you out of here. Let's go." Baymax started using his thrusters. We were so close to the exit until a huge wall came out of nowhere. Baymax stopped and shielded us. Most of his armor broke. "Baymax!" I looked at him. I held out my hand. "Baymax, grab my hand."
"My thrusters are inoperable," Baymax stated.
"Just grab hold," I nodded. Baymax grabbed my hand and I pulled him to the hub. I saw the exit. "Come on."
"There is still a way I can get you both to safety," Baymax looked at me. Baymax put his fist on the back of the hub. He had his small fist rockets on. "I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care."
"No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait," I nodded. "What about you?"
"You are my patient," Baymax stated. "Your health is my only concern."
"Baymax, stop," I looked at him. "I'm going to figure out -"
"Are you satisfied with your care?" Baymax added.
"No! There's gotta be another way. I'm not going to leave you here. I'll think of something."
"There is no time. Are you satisfied with your care?"
"Please, no. I can't lose you too."
"Alli, I will always be with you."
I looked at him and gave him a hug. Baymax hugged me with his free arm. "I'm satisfied with my care," I cried. Baymax sent the fist off and I watched him fall into the dark place. We made it out and the portal blew up. "Bye Baymax."
"Alli!" Niall called. They ran up to us as I got off the ship. "Baymax?"
I nodded. The MD's and police came by. Abagail was taking to the hospital and Callaghan was taking to prison. We watched from the roof. We went to the café after we changed. I went up to my room and packed my suitcase and backpack. "Hey guys," I smiled as I walked up to them with my backpack and suitcase. "Let's get to school."
"Alli," Aunt Cas walked up to me with my lunch. "Here you are." I smiled. "I guess this is your last lunch with me, huh?"
"Yeah," I sighed as we hugged. "Niall had asked and I couldn't say no." Aunt Cas nodded. "Last hug." We hugged. "I gotta go." I left and met my friends on campus. I got my brother's office. I had my boxes sent to the campus. I opened one box and got out the fist Baymax sent me home with. I put it on the table next to the window. I fist bumped with it. "Ba-la-la-la." I saw something green in the hand. I opened the fist up and it was the chip Zayn had put in Baymax. I smiled. "Yes." I spend three days making a new Baymax. I finally got done. "Let's see if you work." I sighed as I put the chip in him. "Ow?" Baymax showed up. "Is it you?"
"I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion," Baymax stated. "Hello Alli."
I chuckled and gave Baymax a hug. "I did it," I smiled. I invited my friends into my office and we got into our gear. We left campus. I was flying on Baymax. "Woo hoo!" We sat on a rooftop to watch the stars. "We didn't set out to be superheroes. But sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned. The thing is, my brother wanted to help a lot of people." I looked at all of them. "That's what we're going to do." Niall put his arm around me and rubbed my arm. "Who are we? I don't know, but I know we have to come up with a good time."
"Big Hero Six," Niall looked at me.
"Sounds good to me," I nodded. "Baymax?"
"I like it," Baymax looked at me.
"This is our final straw," I smiled as I stood up. "All we have to do is just save the world."
"Until the feds catch up with us," Gogo stated.
"Or another team comes to town," Fred added.
I turned to look at my team. "No one is going to chase us out of here," I nodded. "We'll just talk with them and see if they will work with us." I smiled. "This is our home. This is where we have to be."

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