Chap 9 "Yellow Samurai"

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Alli's POV
"This guy here is Baymax," I replied. "He's my robot."
"Hi, I'm Baymax," Baymax held up his hand. "Your personal healthcare companion."
"Yeah, that's him," I sighed.
"Well, you aren't going out in that gear," Kevin threw me a uniform. "Get dressed."
I walked inside, found the bathroom, and changed. I walked back out. "What exactly is this?" I asked.
"It's what we train in," Jayden nodded. "I understand you don't know much about the Samurai life but you have to know the basics."
"I read five journals on you guys," I sighed. "We have to take out Xandred."
"Well, she done her homework," Mike nodded.
The alarm went off. "Let's go," Jayden sighed.
My team followed me as I followed the rangers. We stopped at the top of the hill. I saw red water. "The Sanzu River had flooded," I sighed. We saw monstrous things at the bottom of the hill. "Moogers."
"Look at them all," Antonio sighed.
"This is really it," Mia nodded.
"You still happy you decided to become a Samurai at the last minute, Alli?" Mike asked.
"Are you kidding me?" I asked. "It's the best decision I've made for one more fight."
"Me neither," Kevin nodded.
"No place I'd rather be," I smiled.
"I guess I don't have to ask you all if you're ready for this," Jayden smiled.
"Jayden, as long as you're with us, we're ready for anything," Kevin nodded. "I'm sure Emily feels the same way."
"Boo-yah," Mike stated.
"After this, I would really like to meet my sister," I nodded. I took a deep breath. "No matter what we're up against, we're in this together." I looked at my team. "Are the five of you ready for this?"
"What about me?" Baymax asked.
"Baymax, I've been your pilot long enough," I looked at him. "Time for you to do this on your own."
The moogers looked at us. "Looks like they spotted us," Mia stated.
"Right, let's do this," Jayden nodded. "Samuraizers."
"Go, go samurai," we stated. We drew our symbol. "Ha!" We morphed. "Samurai rangers ready! Rangers together, Samurai forever!"
"She's pretty!" Fred stated.
We started walking and I got out my sword. We started running and started fighting the moogers. "We can beat these moogers," Jayden stated.
"But there's so many," I added.
"I say this is all of them," Kevin replied.
"Good," Mike nodded. "We can get ride of them once and for all."
"Sounds like a plan!" Antonio stated.
I saw Baymax get dog pilled by the moogers. "Baymax!" I called. I saw Baymax throw them off of him. "Yes!"
"Rangers!" Xandred's voice was heard. We looked at him. "The hour of your destruction is at hand." He landed on the ground in front of us. "Prepare to meet your doom."
"Take your best shot, Master Xandred," Jayden replied.
"Oh, we will," Xandred replied.
Moogers got in front of him. "There, on his chest," Jayden replied. "That's where he absorbed Diyu's humanity. It could be his only weak spot." I nodded. "I may only get one shot to strike him there so I gotta make it count." Jayden got the black box. "Super samurai mode!" Jayden had on a white cape. "Kevin, get me in close."
"Flanking positions," Kevin nodded. "Mia and Alli in the front. Mike and I in the rear. The rest of you, watch our backs."
"On it," Antonio nodded.
"I can get you in closer as well," I nodded. "Baymax." Baymax walked over to me. I placed him in front of Jayden. "You can get on his back and he can get you there."
Jayden got on Baymax's back. "Alright," Jayden nodded. "Just follow the plan, big guy."
"Mike and I will shield you," Kevin stated.
"You just focus on hitting that spot," Mike added.
"It's time," Jayden sighed. "Get this to Master Xandred, no matter what the cost." I took a deep breath, and remember why I was doing this. "Attack!"
We ran towards the moogers and attacked. I saw Baymax hitting the moogers like bowling balls. "Foolish rangers fighting onward to their doom," Xandred stated.
"All clear," I replied. "Go for it."
Jayden jumped off of Baymax. A stroke from Xandred was coming towards Jayden. Mike and Kevin blocked it. "Super spin sword," Jayden stated. "My sister couldn't seal you! But I can still destroy you!"
I helped Mike up and we watched. Jayden hit the spot. "Yes!" I exclaimed. Xandred threw Jayden to the side. "Jayden." I helped him up. "Are you okay?"
"You really thought that you can destroy me?" Xandred asked.
"This isn't over," Jayden stated.
The shiba fire disk broke. "The disk," I stated.
"Your one chance at victory lays shattered on the ground," Xandred replied.
"Not quite!" Niall exclaimed.
"Flames of the Netherworld!" Xandred replied. Explosions happened all around us. We demorphed and we were on the ground. "Beg me to spare you. You worthless rangers."
"No matter what you do to us, we'll never bow to you," Jayden replied, in pain.
"Even now your spirit can't be broken," Xandred sighed. "Perhaps you just lack the proper incentive. If you won't beg for yourselves, then I'll capture the other red and yellow rangers and see if you'll beg to save them."
"Lauren," Jayden stated.
"Emily," I stated at the same time as Jayden said his sister's name.
Xandred left. Baymax helped me up. "Are you okay?" Baymax asked.
"Your gear," I nodded as I looked at my team. "Baymax, take Fred, Honey, Gogo, and Niall back to campus. You guys can't fight this fight." I looked at them. "Go." They left. "We gotta go and stop him before he gets Emily and Lauren."
The rest of the rangers got up and we caught up with Master Xandred in the city. "Master Xandred!" Jayden called as we held our swords. We were still demorphed. "It's time to finish this."
Master Xandred looked at us. "I thought I told you pathetic pests to wait," Master Xandred replied.
"Sorry, we became impatient," Mike responded, very cocky.
"You will fall and this world will be protected," Jayden replied.
"Rangers together," we stated. "Samurai forever!"
"Fools," Master Xandred replied. "Forever is shorter than you think." I looked at the moogers. "Attack!"
We started fighting the moogers. We finished the moogers. "Rangers, ready?" Jayden asked. We got out our samuraizers. "Go, go samurai," we stated.
We drew our symbol and morphed. We charged at Master Xandred. We started fighting him. Mike was thrown into me. "Ow," I replied as Mike got off of me. Jayden helped me up and the team got together. "Careful."
"I've had enough of these games," Master Xandred replied. He had his Nether-winds blown towards us but we dodged it by summersaulting to the side. "Ahh!"
"Symbol power," Mike, Antonio, and Mia replied as they drew a symbol. "Capture."
Kevin and I did the same thing. "You think your symbol powers can hold me for long?" Master Xandred asked.
"Double disk, fire smasher," Jayden replied. "Dual mode." Jayden went at Master Xandred by strike the spot each and every time. Master Xandred got Jayden off of him. "AH! Now!"
"Now what?" Master Xandred asked.
"Attack," Mia stated.
"Incoming," Mike nodded.
"Got cha!" Antonio exclaimed.
"Surprise!" I smiled. The four of us attacked him at the same time. We held him for a while. "Kevin! Now!"
"Spin sword," Kevin replied. "Shiba fire!" Kevin ran at us. We got out of the way. "Blazing strike!" Master Xandred was wounded. "Finish him, Jayden."
"Thanks to Lauren's Shiba disk, I'm hoping to do just that," Jayden replied. "Shogun mode! Power of the ancestors!"
"What's this?" Master Xandred asked as Jayden morphed into a different armor than ours.
"It's the end of the line for you," Jayden replied. He went after him. They started fighting. "For this to work, I've got to keep hitting that spot!" I nodded. "Shogun strike!" We got with Jayden. We defeated Master Xandred. "Yes, we did it. He's really gone. I can't believe Lauren's disk had enough power to unlock Shogun mode. Great job rangers!"
We cheered in excitement. Master Xandred returned, this time bigger. "Samurai rangers!" he stated.
"No," I sighed.
"No," Mike nodded.
"Now your world will end!" Master Xandred smiled. "Time to face my wrath!"
"No, Master Xandred," Jayden replied. "Time to face the wrath of the samurai! Black box!"
"Time for one last mega battle," Kevin replied.
I grabbed my yellow triangle from the back of my belt. "You ready for a mega battle, Alli?" Jayden asked.
"Let's do it," I nodded.
"Mega mode power!" we stated. "Ultimate samurai combination!" We were in our zords, combined. "Samurai gigazord, we are united!"
"Take this!" Master Xandred replied. He striked us. "I hate you, rangers. I'll take you down, if it's the last thing I do." He striked us again. "Ha!"
"Ah!" I exclaimed. So did the rest of the rangers. We hit the back wall of the zord. "Ah!" I crawled up my stand. "Xandred is more powerful than ever. What do we do now?"
"At this rate, we won't last long," Mia nodded.
"I'll try to buy us some time," Kevin replied. "Samurai symbol power."
"Wait," Jayden stopped Kevin. "Don't use symbol power yet."
"Why not?" Kevin asked.
"We can't use it in small amounts," Jayden replied. "He'll win that way." Jayden demorphed. "We have to demorph and combine every last ounce of our symbol power into one grand strike. We can only team him as a team."
We demorphed. "One attack?" Mike asked.
"What if we miss?" Mia asked.
"We have to get so close that we can't miss," Jayden replied. "I know you're all behind me but Alli is the new one." Everyone looked at me. "It's either all of us or none of us."
I nodded. "We have to do it," I replied. "To save the world."
"Sounds risky and dangerous," Antonio replied. "Let's do it."
"Remember, no matter what happens we can't retreat," Jayden stated. "We have to keep going at all costs. Even if we only have one zord left."
"We have eleven," I nodded as I stuck my sword into my stand. "We got this."
"Everything is riding on this one attack," Jayden replied. "Let's do this. Charge!"
"So, you're coming back for more, heh?" Master Xandred asked.
We got hit with another lightning bolt. "We just lost three of our zords!" Antonio replied.
"Keep going," Jayden replied. I pushed my sword forward, as far as it would go. "We still have eight of our zords left."
"You just don't know when to quit," Master Xandred replied as he striked us with his sword.
"We'll never quit," Jayden replied.
"We're almost there," Antonio stated.
"This is just so easy," Master Xandred replied.
Master Xandred striked us again and pushed us back. "We lost four zords," Antonio nodded.
"I'm destroying you piece by piece," Master Xandred replied.
"Keep going!" Mike exclaimed.
"Are you really that determined to march to your own destruction?" Master Xandred asked.
Master Xandred striked us again. "There goes our shield," I nodded.
The inside, where us rangers were, it was in bad condition as it could be. "Okay guys," Jayden replied. "This is it. I just want to say that no red ranger has never lead a better team of samurai. I'm honored to have fought beside you and to call you my friends."
"I know we all feel the same way," Kevin nodded.
"It all comes down to this," Jayden replied. "Now! Use all the symbol power you have left!" We lifted our swords from the stand. "It's go time! Samurai strike!" We took one strike to Master Xandred. "Ha!"
"Impossible!" Master Xandred replied. He grabbed ahold to us. "Samurai rangers! Here me now. You may have one this battle but our quest to rule this world will never end. You may have defeated me but the nighlok will rise again!"
"Goodbye," I sighed. I was out of energy. We got out of our swords. We were a mess. "Let's go."
We stumbled our way out of the rubble. "Jayden," Mentor called. We sat Mentor Ji. "Rangers! Rangers, you did it! You saved the world. The nighlok are defeated." I smiled as we all did a group hug. "I'm so proud of you all."
"Hey, wait," Antonio stopped us. "Say it one last time, Jayden. Can you?"
"Let's say it together," Jayden nodded.
We put our hands in the middle of the circle. "Samurai rangers! Victory is ours!" we exclaimed.

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