Chap 4 "Following Alli"

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Niall's POV
Gogo, Fred, Honey, and I were headed to see Alli and Baymax since Baymax had contact us. We then saw Baymax in some crazy armor, running as he was following Alli. "What's going on?" I asked.
"Follow them," Gogo nodded.
I followed them, making sure they didn't notice us. "Baymax looks funny, running like that," I nodded. I turned on my headlights and it shined on Baymax and Alli. I turned off my lights and we opened the car doors to look at them. "Alli?"
"No, no, no," Alli nodded as we walked up to them. "Get out of here."
"Alli, what are you doing out here?" I asked.
"Nothing. Just out for a walk. Helps my mood swings," Alli nodded.
"Is that Baymax?" I asked.
"Yeah, but you really -"
"Uh, why is he wearing carbon fiber underpants?" Gogo asked.
"I also know karate," Baymax moved his hands up and down to demonstrate.
"You guys need to go," Alli sighed.
"No, don't push us away, Alli," Honey nodded. "We're here for you. That's why Baymax contacted us."
"Those suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones. Who would like to share their feelings first."
"Oh, I'll go," Fred nodded. "My name is Fred and it has been thirty days since my last-" We heard a noise and looked. "Holy mother of megazon!" We saw a cargo bin being held up by Alli's microbots. "Am I the only one seeing this?"
Honey took a picture and the bin came down at us. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed. "Oh my god!"
"Go!" Alli stated as Baymax held the bin from crushing us. "Baymax, get him!" Gogo grabbed Alli's arm and pulled her to the car. "No, what are you doing?"
"I'm saving your life," Gogo stated.
"Baymax can handle that guy," Alli nodded. Baymax hit the top of the car and he was stuck. "Great."
"Oh no," Baymax stated.
"Drive," Honey nodded.
"Goodbye," I stated and started driving.
"Alli, explanation, now," Gogo sternly asked.
"He stole my microbots, he started the fire," Alli explained. "I don't know who he is." A surge of microbots came at us. "Baymax, palm, heel strike." That spun the car around so we were going forward instead of backwards. "Okay."
"Hard left!" Gogo pointed.
I made a hard left. "That mask, black suit, we're under attack from a super villain people," Fred stated. "I mean, how cool is that? I mean, it's scary, obviously, but how cool?!"
I slammed on the breaks. "Why have we stopped?" Gogo asked.
"The light's red," I stated.
"There are no red lights in a car chase!" Gogo yelled.
The light turned green and I stepped on the gas. "Why is he trying to kill us?" I asked. I stuck my head out the window. "Uhm, why you trying to kill us?"
"It's because we've seen too much," Fred replied.
"Let's not jump to conclusions," Honey nodded. "We don't know if he's trying to kill us."
"Car!" Fred yelled.
"He's trying to kill us!" Honey screamed.
I turned on my right blinker. "Did you just turn your blinker on?" Gogo asked.
"You have to indicate your turns," I nodded. "It's the law."
"Screw the law!" Alli exclaimed. She got into my lap and started driving. She was definitely a driver. "Alright. I'm going to stop the car so Baymax and I can take this gu-" The door came off and Alli was about to fall out. Gogo took the wheel. I looked up and Baymax had grabbed her hand. He put her back in the car and strapped her seatbelt on. "Whoa."
"Seatbelt saves lives," Baymax stated. "Buckle up everytime."
"Did we lose him?" Honey asked.
"Look out!" I screamed.
We were in a tunnel of microbots. "Baymax, hold on!" Alli exclaimed. "We're not going to make it."
"We're gonna make it!" Gogo furiously nodded.
We busted out as soon as the tunnel had closed. "We made it," Alli relaxed. Gogo drove off the edge of a bridge and we hit the water. We hit the bottom of the river and we held our breath. Alli was trying to get her seatbelt off and so was I. Alli got out her knife and cut the seatbelt. She cut mine too. We grabbed onto Baymax and he took us up to the top. "We did make it."
"Your injuries require my attention," Baymax stated. "And your body temperatures are low."
"We should get out of here," Alli sighed.
"I know a place," Fred nodded.
We followed Fred as I hugged Alli to keep us warm. We stopped at a house. "Fred, where are we?" Gogo asked.
"Where are you going?" Alli asked as he walked to the front door.
"Oh, welcome to mi casa!" Fred replied. "That's French for front door."
"It's Spanish for my house," Alli raised a brow.
"It's really not," Honey sweetly replied.
"Listen, nitwit, a lunatic in a mask just tried to kill us," Gogo sternly stated. "I'm not the mood Fred!"
A butler opened the door. "Welcome home Master Fredrick," the guy stated.
"Heatcliff, my man," Fred smiled. "Come on in guys, we'll be safe here." I was shocked. "Give me some."
Fred and the butler fist bumped. Everyone walked in. Alli and I followed Baymax in. Baymax fist bumped the butler. "Ba-la-la-la," Baymax exploded his fist bump.
Alli and I laughed as we walked in. We followed Fred. "This is your house?" Honey asked.
"I thought you lived under a bridge," Gogo stated.
"Well, technically it belongs to my parents," Fred stated. "They're on a vaca on the family island. We should definitely go sometime." Fred clapped his hands and a door opened. We walked inside. "This is my room."
"You've got to be kidding," Gogo nodded.
"If I wasn't just attacked by a guy in a kabuki mask, I think this would be the weirdest thing I've seen today," I replied.
"My brain hates my eyes for seeing this," Alli nodded.
Alli went to sit down at a table as Baymax followed her. "Your body temperature is still low," Baymax replied.
"Yeah, uh huh," Alli wasn't even paying attention.
Baymax carefully leaned on top of Alli and he was glowing red. Fred went to lay on Baymax. "Ahh, it's like spooning a warm marshmallow," Fred sighed.
"So nice," Honey smiled as she did the same.
"Oh yeah," I nodded as I said on Baymax as well.
Gogo laid her back on him. "Go robot," Gogo smiled.
"Does this symbol mean anything to you guys?" Alli asked as she showed us her drawing.
"Yes!" Fred exclaimed. "It's a bird."
"No, the guy in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on it," Alli nodded.
"Apprehending the man in the mask will improve Alli's emotional state," Baymax replied as we got off of him and Alli stood up.
"Apprehend him?" Gogo asked. "We don't even know who he is."
"I have a theory," Fred nodded.
He handed us all kinds of comic books. "Get to the point," Gogo sighed.
"The man in the mask, who attacked us, is none other than Allister Cray," Fred nodded.
"What?" Alli asked.
"Cray wanted your microbots and you said no," Fred replied. "Rules don't apply to a man like Cray."
"There's no way," Alli nodded. "They guy's way too high profile."
"Then who was that guy in the mask?" Honey asked.
"I don't know," Alli sighed. "We don't know anything about him."
"His blood type is AB negative," Baymax stated. "Cholesterol levels are -"
"Baymax," Alli stopped him and ran up to him. "You scanned him?"
"I'm programmed to assess everyone healthcare needs," Baymax nodded.
"Yes," Alli jumped up and down. "I can use the data from your scan to find him."
"You'll have to scan everyone here," I replied. "That might take forever."
"I just have to look for another angle," Alli nodded. "I can scan the whole city at the same time. I just have to upgrade Baymax's sensor."
"Remind me to never underestimate my girlfriend," I sighed.
"Girlfriend?!" Gogo exclaimed. "When did this happen?"
"About four years ago," Alli nodded. "But, if we're going to catch this guy, I need to upgrade all of you."
"Upgrade who now?" I asked.
"Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones," Baymax stated.
"Okay, I like where this is headed," Fred smiled.
"We can't go up against that guy," I nodded. "We're nerds."
"Alli, we want to help but we're just us," Honey replied.
"No, you can be way more," Alli smiled.
"Zayn Malik was our best friend," Gogo sighed. "We're in."
"We're gonna be superheroes!" Fred exclaimed.
"Alright," I sighed. We went back to Alli's place. "You know what you're doing, Alli?"

A/N: this is my second chapter of this book and it's a bit longer than my first chapter but I hope your enjoying this. This is our version of Baymax, btw, so no copyright intended. With Much Love, Lily

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