Chapter 36: Hotel

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Ashleys POV.

"Hi, do you have any rooms available?" I ask the woman behind the hotel counter, she slightly sighs as she opens her mouth, a clear indication she hated her job. "Let me just check for you sir" she says plainly looking at the computer infront of her, tossing her long, obviously fake hair over her shoulder, revealing a pink poka dot bra strap poking out her work blouse, which made me smirk.

She smacked her large lips together before she spoke, in a way that made me pity the people she worked with. "How many beds would you need, sir?" She asked, looking up at me for the first time, though her eyes didn't stay up for very long, as she scanned my entire body. "Just one, double" I say with a smirk, a subtle hint she shouldn't attempt flirting.

"We have one available on the fifth floor if thats okay?" She asks, popping her lips like a drag queen. I nod in response, and fill out the tedious form that comes  with hotels, and hand over my money for the one night and she hands me my key.

I thank her and start walking towards the elevator, and I can feel her eyes burning into my back, but I don't look back, I just continue the trek to my room.

It had been a week since the incident with Juliet, and she hadn't attempted to call or text, however a simple look at her social media and it was obvious she was sneakily expressing her...'distaste' for us in a way that wouldn't alarm her fans.

I counted my blessings that our followers didn't tend to be her fans anymore after the split of her and Andy. Speaking of Andy, we proved that sometimes a hardship can bring a couple closer together, and we had been extremely lovey this past week, in the way that the guys had to tell us to stop sometimes because it was weird how we called each other a different cute nickname everytime we spoke, or how we cuddled extra close on the sofa as we watched a movie. It was amazing how in this sense we were so close, however we hadn't fucked the entire week, we were so caught up with being cute. But I planned on fixing that tonight.

I unlocked my room and stepped inside. It was a nice room, spacious, if bare. However, this worked well for us tonight. I dropped my bag on belongings beside the large bed, and flop myself onto it, curling up in the off-white sheets. Tiredness suddenly overtakes me, but I don't have time to sleep. I pull out my phone and check the time. I have a 20 minute wait before I need to go pick up Andy from  a photoshoot he was doing for Kerrang! as we had just landed in England 2 days ago for our next leg of the tour.

I decide to check twitter, even though I had been staying away from it after everything that happened. I go through my mentions and reply to a couple people who had tweeted about me, and favorited a few others.  I change to Instagram, and take a selfie of me in bed, pulling a crazy face, my tongue sticking out, in a way I know the fans enjoy. "Enjoying London so far!! Whats some interesting places to visit here? :P"  

I upload my picture and watch the likes and comments pour in, which I skim through briefly, picking up any good suggestions I can, and laughing at the ammount of people that said things like "MY BED"

Before I know it its time to pick Andy up, so I take a quick look in the mirror, making sure my outfit is still okay, not that it had changed since last time I looked an hour ago. And quickly ruffling my hair with my fingers so it didn't look as flat. I grab my keys and start navigating the hotel once again, once I reach downstairs the same woman is at the desk. As she spots me she starts staring, totally disregarding the man infront of her. I smirk and give her a small wink. I may be a taken man, but I still enjoy making people want me.

I slip into the rented car I was driving, and start driving towards the photoshoot, praying I don't get lost.

When I eventually get there I walk into the studio, and soon find Andy and the cameraman looking at the photos that had just been taken. He looked incredibly hot, his leather jacket hugged his skinny frame, but not as much as his jeans did. His bulge was obvious, and I smirked at the thought of that it was mine.

His hair was getting long, now at his shoulders, and the way it fell around his face was so beautiful, I couldn't believe this man was mine.

"Hey babe" I greet him, wrapping an arm  around his back as I meet his side.  He looks at me and smiles "Hey hun" He kisses my cheek lovingly. I smile back at him and squeeze his side.

While he always looked great, he always looked just slightly more amazing after a shoot. Just being around him was making my breath unstable as I went giddy around him, nobody has ever affected me like he does.

"Ready  to go?" I ask, he nods and says goodbye to the people he'd worked with that day.

As we reach the car he asks me "So where are we going babe?" 
"Well, I've rented us a room for the night" I say, smirking to myself.

"Really?" He says, a slight blush on his face. "Yeah, and I'm intending a very fun night" I chuckle, opening the car door for him. He giggles in a less then manly way and takes his seat.

As I drive I keep catching him staring at me, but when I look back his turns away, like a shy child. "Why are you so shy all of a sudden?" I ask him, kind of enjoying it.

"I don't know what you mean" He mumbles, I glance over and catch him biting his lip gently. I get what he's doing now, he's playing innocent. As cute as it is, thats not the Andy I want for tonight, so we'll have to change that.

Keeping my eyes on the road, I slowly place my hand on his thigh, stroking it slowly. I glace at him and see his chest moving from deep breathes, but he was still silent. I smirk at how easy it is to turn him on, and move my hand higher up his thigh. After a few seconds I move it again, so its now right next to his crotch. I can hear his breathing now, and when I take another glace he has his eyes shut, while he bites his lip. While I smirk at this, I move my hand to his junk, and begin palming softly. I hear him softly moan and I know I have him as I need him.

By the time we arrive at the hotel, hes begging for more, but I refuse to give it yet. "come with me" I smirk, opening my car door and walking into the hotel.

I grab his hand as we walk past reception, smirking again at the lady who was still there, now not looking happy.

I guide Andy upstairs, and to our room.

The second the door is closed he starts kissing me, pushing me against the wall. I groan as I taste his soft lips and tongue on my own,  and push my body against his. After a short time I stop the kissing. "go sit down" I smirk at him, and he does what I ask. I walk towards him and say with a smirk

"Just wait for this"

Hey guys! Sorry I'm really bad at updating nowdays. I have excuses but you don't care so I won't bore you :) Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger ;)

What are your guys thoughts on A) Andy's wedding (All my irl andley dreams are dead ;__; I'm still super happy for them though<3)

and B) The new Andy Black album?? And are any of you seeing him live on this tour?? I'll be seeing him on the 10th!!
I'll try to update again soon as I know leaving it there isn't very fair for all you horny sods ;P See you soon <3 -Ash<3

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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