Adeline and David

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8:15 PM

Adeline shifted uncomfortably on the floor a tight sensation in her bladder. She needed to relieve herself. But she was worried that Pierre wouldn't let her leave his sight. She glanced his way. He was sitting on the edge of the coffee table laughing at Patrick. Pat was attempting to drink his way through a whole line of shots. And Pierre, watching, appeared to be in a very good mood. Perhaps she would risk it. Shifting again she finally came to a decision.

Without getting up, she crawled from her spot in the corner to kneel at Pierre's feet. He noticed her almost instantly and looked down into her face, lifting an eyebrow questioningly.

She swallowed nervously before speaking up. "Sir...I...uh...need to go to the bathroom..."

Pierre's eyes narrowed. "Is that right?"

Adeline nodded once. "Yes, sir."

He scratched his jaw then waved his hand dismissively. "Go on then, the john's down the hall, first door on the right."

She blinked, surprised. Hesitating for a second, she waited for him to say something more, but he had already turned his attention back to his friend. Licking her lips, moistening them, she slowly got to her feet. She looked at Pierre again. He didn't turn to her, so she quickly walked over to the door, opened it and stepped out into the hallway. Glancing up it, she noticed an open door along the way, a light shining out from it. She headed toward it. Peered around the doorframe: bathroom.

Stepping through the doorway she walked across to the toilet; placing the seat down she sat on it and leaned her face in her hands. Her hair fell around her face, hiding her. Adeline breathed deeply, then stood lifting the seat and pulled down her panties before sitting again to relieve her bladder.

Closing her eyes, she let out a long sigh.

"Oh! Sorry!"

Her eyes snapped open just in time to see David about to duck back out of the doorway. Adeline straightened and frowned.

He hesitated and glanced at her. "Sorry," he repeated gently. Evident in his tone was the fact that he was apologising for more than just coming into the bathroom. He didn't want to get her into any trouble that would give Pierre cause to harm her. So, he made to leave.

"Wait..." Her voice came out in a scratchy whisper. David halted and looked at her. She blushed, lowering her eyes. "Um...hang on..." She grabbed some toilet paper, wiping herself. David averted his gaze as she did so.

After a moment, he asked quietly, "Okay to look?"

"Uhuh..." Adeline stood, pulling her panties back up, straightening her dress. Then pressing the flush and closing the lid. Walking to the basin, she turned the tap and washed her hands. Then drying them slowly on a towel, she turned to face the slight man hovering in the doorway. "Um..."

David blinked tilting his head back to look down the hallway before looking back at her. "Didn't Pierre tell you not to talk to us? Me? Not to look at us? At me?"

She gave a small nod, lips pressed together.

He scratched at his chin. "Why did you tell me to wait?"

Adeline took a deep breath, linking her hands behind her back staring at the floor. She had no real idea why she had said that; knew she was risking a lot.

However, she had to say something. "I...I like your shirt..."

"What's that?"

She shivered. "I said, I like your shirt..."

Confusion shaded his face. "But, you weren't even looking at me."

A tiny smile touched the corners of Adeline's mouth. "I saw."

David squinted at her. "You...lied to Pierre?"

Adeline didn't answer. Didn't dare to give voice to her thoughts. The man took a step into the bathroom moving closer to the young woman standing tensely in front of the vanity.

"Adeline." He stalled for a moment then smiled. "Thanks."

She met his eyes for a moment then turned aside and slid passed him. She'd said enough. She didn't want to get caught by Pierre if he should happen to leave the living room.

David stuck his arm out, blocking her way. "Wait, please." His tone was almost pleading.

She trembled, but halted hunching up her shoulders. He watched as she wrapped her arms around her breasts.

His eyes zeroed in on a small laceration in the hollow of her collarbone. "What's that?"

"Huh?" Adeline tilted her chin, peeking up at him through her eyelashes. David shifted so he was standing closer. She stiffened, but held still as he reached out and placed his fingertips on the tiny scar that was forming.


Adeline bent her head, drawing back slightly. "That?'s...a chip."

David snorted, folding his arms over his chest. "A chip? What're you? A tea cup that's been dropped on the tiles?" He lifted an eyebrow at her.

Adeline stifled a giggle. "No...a computer ID know? Identification. That's was inserted."

David looked into her eyes. "What for?"

"I...I was officially um..." Adeline paused.

David finished her sentence for her. "Pierre's slave."

She nodded and went to go on but then she froze eyes widening, panic filling her expression, as her gaze slid passed David.

"What?" He looked back over his shoulder to see what had got her scared. "Merde..."

Pierre stood in the doorway, a hand braced against each side frame, eyes narrowed into icy slits. David hadn't even heard him approaching; the bigger man could be very light on his feet when he wanted.

"Get outta there, fucker." His voice was harsh.

David blinked. "Me?"

"Yeah. You. Get out," Pierre said, voice hard, each word clipped. "Now."

David shook his head. "She did nothing wrong, Pierre."

"I think she can explain that to me, when we're alone. Get out."

The younger man hesitated, glancing back at Adeline. She was staring at the floor, leaning back against the basin, trembling.

David swallowed and turned his eyes back to Pierre. "I was just-"

Pierre jerked his head, cutting him off. "Get out, asswipe."

Grimacing David walked toward him. "You won't-"

"I won't hurt her. Promise." His voice softened a touch.

Sighing, David finally squeezed past Pierre and disappeared down the hallway. As soon as he'd gone, Pierre stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it.

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