Tender love

47 1 0

Bouvier Condo

5 PM

Pierre lay face down on his bed, chin propped on his folded arms. Adeline straddled his hips with her hands resting lightly on his back.

He sighed softly and closed his eyes, speaking quietly. "Ever given a massage before, Ada?"

Adeline ran her palms up and down the strong lines of his upper body. "Not really...but, I can learn."

"You learn things pretty quickly, sweetling." There was a smile in Pierre's voice.

She blushed somewhat glad that he couldn't see her face. "Thank you, sir..." She shifted slightly and ran one hand along the column of his spine.

He moaned and arched against her touch. "Move your hands across and knead the heels into the muscles..."

She did as he instructed, working the solid muscle.

Pierre groaned softly. "Ah...that's the spot..."

Adeline smiled and kept massaging with her hands revelling in the feeling of being able to relieve Pierre of the tension in his body. He sighed in content, eyes half closed. The sensation of her warm hands on his bare flesh was soothing, reassuring. He began to drift slowly relaxing beneath her touch.

"Pierre?" Her voice rubbed at the edge of his mind, like silk caressing his skin.


"What happens now?" Adeline propped a hand at the small of his back, rubbing circles along his spine with the other. Pierre shifted slightly, his boxers slipping a little. She noticed and instantly felt a tightness deep inside. She shook it away and met her master's eyes as he turned his head to look at her.

"What happens now, sweetling?"

"Yes. I mean...the trial's not over...is it?"

Pierre smeared a large hand over his face. "No. It's not. You...still have to take the stand. So does Michelle. But..." He paused and looked away.

She frowned. "But, what?"

He groaned and pressed his face against his arms. "I would prevent you from having to witness if I could, cherie..." He bit at his bottom lip. "I know it will be difficult for you."

Adeline moved off his body and lay next to him resting a hand against his back lightly. "But, you'll be there with me...right?"

Pierre turned his face to look at her and smiled softly. "Yeah. Of course."

He shifted and lifted a hand to stroke tenderly at her cheek. She shivered at his touch. He smiled, running the tip of his tongue across his lips. Her pupils dilated as her eyes locked onto his lips, breath catching slightly.

He chuckled low in his throat. "What's going on in that mind of yours, sweetling?"

Adeline trembled, breathing deeply. "I..." Her voice quavered slightly.

He leaned closer to her staring deep into her eyes. "Tell me."

Adeline swallowed hard, then bowed her head tucking her chin into her chest unable to meet his stare. "I need...I need you...please...master..."

Pierre cupped her chin and lifted her head. "Say that again...but...say my name..." There was no demand in his voice; in fact, it almost sounded like a plea to her ears.

She shivered and met his warm chocolate stare. "I need you...Pierre."

Pierre stroked her cheek with the pad of his thumb, caressing gently. Adeline trembled slightly; skin tingling where he made contact. He smiled softly then rolled onto his back and looked at her.

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