"Just need you to relax."

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Motel Toronto

10 PM

Pierre sat on the end of the bed slowly removing his shoes. Adeline knelt next to him on top of the sheets one arm wrapped around his neck, her cheek resting against his shoulder. She was wearing one of his old Role Model Tees as a nightie; it fell loose around her body, hiding her curves.

He sighed deeply as he shoved his socks into his shoes. "Crap...what a night."

Adeline tilted her head. "The food was good."

Pierre smirked faintly. But then the smile faded away and he just stared blankly at the floor. She leaned her forehead against his back. She could feel the tension in the muscles of his broad back. She rubbed a hand over them lightly. He glanced at her then looked away again.

Adeline sighed and stopped, leaning her cheek against his back. "You...you weren't happy to see...her, were you, sir?"

Pierre groaned and glanced sharply at Adeline. "No. I wasn't." He flopped back onto the bed, pulling her down next to him. She hesitantly traced a fingertip over the buttons on his black shirt. He watched her silently his face impossible to read. She gazed intently at the black buttons as if she would will them undone.

Pierre reached out to rub the back of his knuckles across her cheek. Her breath hitched slightly.

He frowned. "What is it?"

Adeline shifted back a little.

He grabbed her hip. "Adeline. Something's bothering you. Tell me."

She shook her head, avoiding his searching look. "It's not important, sir. It...it doesn't matter."

"It matters to me."

"No. It shouldn't. I...I'm your slave."

Pierre scowled, "All the more reason for it to matter."

"No!" She gulped realising she'd raised her voice at her master. She cringed, peeking up at him fearfully.

Pierre swore in frustration. "Fuck. Adeline. Screw protocol. It matters to me. It wouldn't matter what you were. A slave, a free woman...a fucking monkey, it does not matter. Tell me what's wrong. I'm not a mind reader."

Adeline's bottom lip trembled and she just stared incomprehendingly at him.

"What?" Pierre snapped. "What is it?"

"No one. No one ever cared for me...not anyone," the words burst from her lips as tears sprang unbidden to the corners of her eyes. "I never mattered to anyone. My...my mother gave me up to the government because she couldn't afford to look after me -- because she didn't want me. I...I ended up in an orphanage where no one took any notice of me...and then the Guild came and took me away...and they...and they..." Adeline's voice halted as she began to sob.

At the sight of her tears, Pierre instantly softened. He slid both of his arms around her and held her close to him, pressing his face into her hair.

"Shhh...shhh...it's okay, Ada..." He stroked her hair slowly.

She sniffled against his shirt. "It's never been okay before..."

He tilted her face up to his and smiled tenderly. "No? Well, it will be. I promise."

Adeline swallowed hard and wiped furiously at her face. "I'm scared."

Pierre cocked his head to the left. "Why?"

"I'm scared this won't last..." She licked her lips. "I've had more than two masters...they...they all got sick of me in the end." Adeline trembled. "I'm afraid you'll...you'll get tired of me...maybe even go back to Michelle." She halted noticing Pierre's face darken. "I mean..."

Adeline's Choice (You Don't Mean Anything)Where stories live. Discover now