I Have to Tell Him

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Iris how could I have forgotten about Iris. Oh what a mess I am in. I think as a grab my upper arm.
Suddenly Doctor Wells comes in. "Is something bothering you Ms.Snow?" he says as he looks at me inquisitivley. I look up grabbing my hand bag I say "No" I feel like he could see right through me. His sharp eyes pierce my soul. "Are you sure?" he says coaxingly and almost kindly. "No" I say accidentally out loud. Doctor Wells leans forward curiously. "I mean yes" I stutter. He says "ok" but I know he knows. Cisco walks in and the tension relaxes.
He looks around curiously and asks "Is something wrong?" and before I can respond Doctor Wells turns his weelchair and says "Me and Ms.Snow were just talking."
Ronnie and Martin Stein walk in. I look over and out of surprise I say "Ronnie I wasn't expecting you until next week." He glares at me and says "Cait is everything all right?" "Yes" I cough out. Ronnie smiles and nods.
I begin to feel a pang of guilt. I know I need to tell him. I have to tell Ronnie because he'll be gone again tomorrow and I don't know when he'll be back again.
Later after we get home Ronnie gets a bottle of wine and begins to pour me a glass until I say "I need to tell you something important." Ronnie looks up but continues to pour the wine. He then looks up looking concerned and says "Cait what's wrong?" his eyebrows press together. Tears begin to fall from my eyes and Ronnie walks over and sits with me. He then whispers "Cait what is it?" I begin to cry harder and Ronnie says "Whatever it is Cait you can tell me." I am sobbing now and I manage to croak out "I am..." and then I look down and pause. Ronnie says "Cait what is it?" His voice now filled with more concern and a new level of kindness. "I am pregnant" I sob out.

Pregnant⚡ Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now