2 Flashes

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Barry's POV:

I wake up this morning feeling drowsy. Luckily the brake in was nothing but a broken alarm. Iris and I are going to Jitters this morning. I rush out of bed and shower. I put on a grey t-shirt and jeans. After I meet up with Iris at Jitters I am going bowling with Linda. So I guess I am ready to go.

I race over to Jitters to meat Iris. Before I go in to Jitters I look at myself in the window. I still look reasonable the wind didn't mess up my hair to much. I walk over to the entrance of Jitters. I open the door to see Iris waving at me.

"Hey Bear" she chirps.

"Hi Iris" I responded.

"So what's up with you?" Iris asks.

"Nothing. What about you?" I stated.

"Well actually Eddie and I were thinking about going out tonight," Iris pipes.

"Hey actually since you mention it I actually have a date with Linda tonight" I remarked.

"Oh" Iris noted.

"Yah actually we are going to the bowling ally," I added.

"That sounds super fun" she piped.

" Well I could ask Linda if she would mind if you guys came along?" I offered.

"Me and Eddie don't want to interrupt your date" she retorted.

"I am sure Linda will be probably be fine with it" I insisted.

"Well maybe I will talk to Eddie" Iris says.

Then there's a chirp. I look down at my phone but there is no notifications. When I look up again I notice I notice Iris looking at her phone.

"I got to go" she continued "I have a meeting"

"Bye" I say as I hug Iris.

"See you tonight maybe" Iris chirped and then left.


Later that night:

I am racing over to pick up Linda. I am late as usual. When I get to her house I knock on the door. When she opens the door my heart skips a beat. She looks gorgeous. Her hair is curled and she is wearing a patterned shirt with jeans and her ever present leather jacket.

"Barry you alright" she asked.

"Um ya you just look beautiful that's all" I stuttered. Trying to recover from staring at her.

"Aw thanks Barry. You don't look half bad yourself," she joked.

"Hey" I countered.

Then we walk to the Bowling ally. Linda was blissfully under my arm the whole time. When we got there we got our shoes and started walking to find a spot.

"I never would have pictured you as someone who likes to bowl." she says surprised.

"Oh this is one of my favorite places in the world and I am guessing one of the only sports I can beat you at," I piped.

"Yah I am not completely sure bowling is a sport," she laughs.

Then I see Eddie and Iris I feel like an idiot. I forgot to ask Linda if it was okay if they joined us.

"Hey Iris, Eddie" I say.

"Hey Barry" they said in unison.

"What are you guys doing here" I say pretending to be surprised to see them. Eddie looks confused.

Iris on the other hand caught on and happily went along with it. After Linda said that it was fine we all bowled together we had a great time. After bowling for nearly two hours we were all ready to go out for ice cream or pizza.

But then Eddie said "I got to go they need me there's been a break in at the morg,"

"Oh I should probably go to they will need someone from the crime lab," I interjected.

I kiss Linda good bye. I went outside and changed into my flash costume and raced off towards the morg. Well I was running I saw something strange. It was me or another speedster I don't know. I try to stop quickly but the other speedster is gone. I looked around and I saw a girl yell oh come on I'm gonna be late and a dog barking. It was weird but after a minute of recovering from my encounter I raced off towards the morg.


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