Weather Wizard

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At the Morg:

"What do see?" Cisco echos into my earpiece.

"A dead body" I respond.

"Barry you gotta be more specific your in a morg" he mocks.

"The coroner"I say.

A couple minutes later:

Now Joe and Eddie are here. I am rushing to talk to Joe. Well I am not looking I run into the captain. His coffee spills all over his jacket and he yells at me. I go over to speak with Joe and as soon as I get over there Joe begins to speak.

"Why is there all this water did the sprinkler systems go off?" he asks.

"No I already checked but look at this" I point out picking up a sliver of ice.

"Is that ice?" Joe questions.

"Yes and check this out" I pull up the coroner's shirt showing off many large round bruises."It's hail"

"Snart?" Joe asks.

"No his cold gun couldn't have done this" I state.

Eddie walks up and says "Joe we got something." He holds his hand out to show us a small audio player.

Words begin to come from the audio player. "Please no more" cries a man who is obviously in pain.

"I'll stop when you tell me" A stronger more familiar sounding voice boomed.

"Stop" The man (who I am assuming is the coroner now) choked out.

"Who killed him" the other man bellowed.

"Joe West" the coroner squeaked as if letting go of his last hope.

I hear screams of pain and then the audio ends. I look over Joe seems concerned.

"Martin" Joe states.

"But Clide Martin is dead" Eddie retorts.

"Not Clide his brother Mark Martin,"
Joe says.

Caitlin's POV

"Interesting" Doctor Wells pauses.

"Both brothers survive a potentially fatal crash and are effected in virtually the same way" he continues.

I begin to zone out of the conversation. I have more important things to think about. For starters what am I gonna tell barry. "Oh yah by the way my baby it isn't Ronnie's it's yours. " I only wish it was that easy. "What?" Bary asks. I feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Except Marks powers seem to be a lot more precise. precise control the weather like that indoors " Barry's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yah he'd have to be a weather wizard. Ooh been waiting since weak one to use that one" Cisco says with a smug look on his face.

He goes back to slurping his slushee. When he makes a noise that sounds like a grunt but a bit softer. I see his face and it looks to be in a small amount of pain.

"Trigeminal headache" I say both realising what was wrong and confusing Cisco.

"What?" Cisco asks.

"Brainfreeze" I say smugly.

Then my attention shifts back to the conversation.

"I'm getting the feeling your not just gonna be able to just circle this tornado" Joe says.

Barry begins to speak but as I am looking at him I can't seem to get my mind to focus on his words. My mind begins to shift. I begin to think about telling Barry once more. My eyes get hot. I feel tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"I need to use the restroom" I blurt out trying not to show my emotion.

No one seemed to be paying attention. I dart to the restroom. As soon as I get there I slam the door shut locking it. I feel heat on my cheeks and tears stream down my face. Get it together. Stop being so emotional you are a woman of science you shouldn't be this way. I grab a tissue and begin to wipe away my tears. I look in the mirror. My cheeks are red and my eyes are puffy from tears. I wet a paper towel with cold water to cool my cheeks. The coldness feels great on my heated cheeks. After making sure my appearance had returned to normal I went back to lab.
When I get there Barry is still there and everyone is still in conversation. No one noticed I was gone. Relief fills me. Barry says something that I believe is directed towards me. But I can't bare to look at him. Every time I look at him this horrible guilt floods me. He doesn't know. Does he really have to? Yes. I stop my wishful thinking.
When I look around I realise that Barry and Joe had left. Cisco seems to be going on about some party for his brother. Doctor Wells is no where to be found.

"Cisco" I interupt his rant.

"What?" he asks seemingly offended.

"I am going to grab lunch so you want anything?" I respond.

"We just ate an hour ago." Cisco says suspiciously.

"I guess I am just extra hungry today." I say trying not to seem suspicious.

Cisco raises both his eyebrows and rolls his eyes "Whatever" he says.

As I walk out I grab my purse. I walk downtown and walk into a local "Big Belly Burger". I order a classic big belly burger. The name just makes me feel worse about my current situation. I picture myself with a baby bump and then a large round stomach. Then something hits me. Something hits me hard...


Sorry about the long wait. I have been kinda busy lately and I have been trying to make longer chapters.
I love hearing feedback from evryone that reads my story. Good feedback and bad. I want honesty.
I love you guys. :)

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