Chapter 8 - The Cafe; Take Two

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'Good morning class,' Regina says as she enters the room. 'Good morning, Principal Mills.'

It's Tuesday, which means English is my first lesson. With the exam tomorrow, it's another revision lesson. It's boring. Apparently being the smarted in the class has its consequences; I have to sit and wait for Regina to explain things every 5 minutes. I can see it makes her agitated too, but hey! It's her job.

When the bell rings, I walk towards the door, and someone grabs my scarf. I go to turn but she stops me, and says quietly next to me 'cafe, at break.'

I watch as she leaves the room; the skirt she's wearing is tight. I have to stop myself from grabbing her and having her right there. Why did she tell me to meet at the cafe? I go there anyway... She knows that. Judging by the way she said it, I doubt it's because she wants to talk. I mean... Sure talking would be good at this point, but.... Maybe a little something else will be good. It's only been 2 days, but I want her again.

Knowing I could be seeing that flawless body of hers, the next 2 lessons drag by as slowly as possible, and by the time the bell rings, I'm pretty much out of the door in seconds. I start to run to the cafe but I slow my pace, not wanting to be flushed and sweaty when I get there.

When I get there, I see her talking to Ruby, leaning over the counter. The waitress seems to be paying close attention to whatever she is saying, but when she notices me, she excuses herself and reaches into the display to get me a bear claw.

'Wait, I'm not hungry today,' I lie, my stomach growls in disagreement, but the thought of Regina pushes it away. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Regina stand up and walk towards the toilet. I don't have to be a rocket scientist to know she wants me to follow.

To avoid making it obvious, I wait a few minutes, letting Ruby tell me about a new guy she is seeing. Then, I ask her to watch my bag, and i walk to the back. The door to the ladies toilet is open, so I walk in. Regina is stood washing her hands calmly, and she doesn't look up as she tells me 'lock the door.'

I do as I'm told and as soon as I hear the latch click, I turn round, to find Regina standing right behind me. Really close. Without another word, she kisses me, and her hands fall to my waist, pulling me closer. As her lips touch mine, my eyes close and I feel myself moan into her mouth.

She turns me around and pushes me backwards until my back hits the sink. Her body is pressed against mine, but it still doesn't feel close enough, apparently she feels the same, because she pulls my hips into hers again. She then reaches around and grabs my ass, lifting me up so my legs are around her waist, then she put me on the sink. Fuck! The anticipation of getting caught, and the fact that her body is pressed against my centre make my heart beat faster, and I feel hot.

Her lips separate from mine, and I feel her kissing my jaw, and trailing kisses down my neck, finding the scarf. She rips it off with her teeth and lets it fall to the floor, kissing my neck again. I tangle my fingers in her hair, and pull my legs towards me, pushing her against me, increasing the friction against my centre and making me groan. I'm sure this woman has no idea what affect she has on me!

I can't help myself this time, and I allow my hands to travel down her neck, collarbone, and finally, the top button of her shirt. I hold my breath as I push her blazer off, and undo the first button of her shirt.

She growls into my mouth, but i don't know if it is encouragement to continue, or a warning to stop. I don't care. I want this. I need it. So i continue, trying as hard as i can to make my fingers work, though it's difficult with her tongue and teeth teasing me.

She finds my mouth again, and kisses me deeply, while i open her shirt. By now it is only held in place by the belt around her skirt, and i let out a sigh into her mouth when my fingers brush against her skin. It doesn't take long for her hand to find it's way under my skirt, brushing the skin of my thighs.  I move my hands up to her bra, and i feel the lacy material under my fingers. God how can this feel so wrong, but so right?

She pushes her hand against my underwear, making me moan loudly. Her tongue teases my ear, and when my hand traces the lace around her bra, she arches her back and exhales. It's almost a moan. If she does that again i swear i won't last much longer.

I try and move her bra out of the way, but she tells me to stop. I hear the authority in her voice so i stop, and do the best i can without moving her bra. I have to listen, if i don't i worry that she might stop. I'm really enjoying her touch, and she's obviously enjoying my touch as well; i can feel her hard nipples through the soft material and i have to bite my lip. I really hope her 'No' changes to a 'Yes' quickly.

Suddenly i hear a knock at the door, and i panic, opening my eyes in time to see Regina raising her head (probably to sound less muffled). 'Occupied!' she says loudly with a clear voice. How does she do that?!

She leans in towards my ear and says, quietly this time so the person doesn't hear, 'Don't stop, Emma'. She doesn't have to tell me twice, i forget about the interruption and continue with my work, while she resumes what she was doing.

Soon i'm on the edge, and judging by the way she's tensing, i'd say she is too, and i haven't even touched her below the waist yet! I try my best to keep quiet, biting my lip so hard i can taste the tell-tale metallic taste of blood in my mouth. No matter how hard i try to keep the moan silent, i let out a groan as i come onto her hand, right after she seductively whispers in my ear, 'You better not black out this time'.

Right after me, her body stills and, letting out a long and loud sigh, she let herself lean against me. We waited until we had our breath back and our cheeks had returned to their normal colour, or at least until it was less obvious what we had just been doing.

Regina walks over to the door and unlocks it,but she looks at me before she opens it. 'The scarf, Miss Swan.' I look around and grab it from the sink and just about cover up my neck before the door is opened and a young woman is revealed, obviously waiting for the bathroom. I walk past her but daren't look into her eyes. I try not to be too mean but i find myself wishing she is deaf.

I look around and locate Regina by the bar talking to Ruby, who's giving her a small cup of coffee. She looks so neutral it's scary. I shoot a glance at the clock; it's almost the end of break. Well, we're punctual.

'You have fun in there?' Ruby smiles as Regina walks out the door. She raises an eyebrow. 'I don't know what you're talking about', i say as i grab my backpack.

'You know Emma, i work long shifts, so i'm here till late most days. I know what people get up to in those bathrooms.'

I can't help but smile. 'Promise you'll keep this between us?'

'My lips are sealed!' she nods. 'Good catch Em', she winks.

I roll my eyes. 'I gotta get to class, see you tomorrow Rubes.'

'See ya!'


As i walk to school i can't stop my mind from thinking about Regina. I can't help but get confused. Am i her toy? Some kind of pet? I mean, she didn't even acknowledge me after we left the bathroom. I'm not asking to stay and cuddle but.... I dont know. She doesn't even say my name unless she's out of control (like in the elevator or just now in the toilets). So... Am i a hook-up? She did warn me, she told me i was playing with fire. Maybe i should have listened, but what can i say, she's hot as hell and i'm a hormonal teenager!

What if she is just using me to pass time? Like a stress toy? What if she only chose me because i was so desperate i seemed easy? Would she do something like that?

I need to stop thinking about it, i will get myself worked up. I don't even want a relationship, do i? No. I. Don't. Want. A. Relationship.

But would it hurt for her to just call me by my name?

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