Chapter 11 - Halloween

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'Emma are you coming or what?'. Graham's voice sounded muffled from behind the door. It's Halloween and we are going to a party. I didn't want to go but Graham ended up convincing me.

'Wait! I don't look sexy enough.' I'm dressed in an old pale blue dress i found, with a swan mask and scarf. I also found some white gloves and silver high heels. I'm going for a 'Swan Princess' thing, a little dig on my chosen name. Graham is dressed as some kind of hunter, which made me laugh.

'Really Graham, a hunter? You hate people killing animals, you've been vegetarian as long as i've known you.' But he just replied saying he was a good hunter, that trains animals and rescues them. I didn't want to tell him that hunters don't do that, so i just let him have his moment.

A few hours and about 10 shots later, Graham was chasing a girl in a rabbit costume around, shouting 'i'm a good hunter, i'll look after you, wait!'

I was sat at the bar, draining my 4th glass of some kind of blue drink. I didn't mean to get this drunk initially, but after the first drink i started to think about Regina and how she uses me. So i ordered another drink.

I invited Ruby with me too, she dressed as Red Riding Hood, but she left to go and flirt with a guy in a wolf costume about 2 minutes after we got here. I had rolled my eyes at the subtlety of the scene, it's just like her. 

After a while i decided to put my drink down and dance. I shouldn't miss out on all the fun because i'm too busy thinking about someone who probably never thinks about me. I'm not in a relationship with her, i don't owe her fidelity or anything. I got up onto a table and started dancing to the music. I've lost half of my outfit, the mask and gloves are nowhere to be seen and my scarf is on the floor.

A few minutes later i invite a couple of guys up to dance with me, and they both dance either side of me. Regina didn't say anything about having fun with other people. I feel their hands on me, and their bodies pressed against mine, but i'm too drunk to care. I dance until i started to feel dizzy, and i slow down, still to involved to notice the bar doors open, letting a big group of people in.

I get pulled out of my daze when i feel someone tugging on my arm, forcing me off the table and across the dancefloor. I didn't have time to see who it was, before i got pushed out the back doors, into an alley that lowkey creeped me out.

Once we are outside, the sound of the music fades and i could hear laughing in the distance. The mystery person let go of my arm and i ended up falling onto the floor, landing in a puddle. I get up and brush myself off, nearly falling again in the process, forgetting that i was very intoxicated.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' i recognised the voice from somewhere, but the person it came from was wearing very tight leather pants, a tight black dress, gloves and boots. The makeup alone was enough to make me collapse, she was wearing dark eye makeup and purple lipstick, and her hair was in this amazing plaited bun with hair cascading down the sides of her face. Just wow.

'What were you thinking, rubbing yourself up against two guys like that? They were practically drooling over you, look at you! Your dress is ripped and your zip has come undone! Had you even realised?'

She paced back and forth, the click of her heels echoing down the alley. That distinctive sound. 'Regina?' my voice was raspy and high.

'Yes, Swan. If i hadn't have got you out of there, anything could've happened, and judging by your current state, they could have groped you or anything and you probably wouldn't have even noticed!'

By this point, my brain had just processed what was happening, and i couldn't help but get angry. 'Why do you even care? You don't own me! All your hickeys have faded!' I lifted my neck to show her. 'Why are you even here? You're a teacher!'

'So? I'm 25, not 50! I don't owe you any explanations anyway!' By now we were both yelling at each other, oblivious to the rain that had started to pour around us.

'I don't need to explain myself either! I... You... I don't... I can't.... Ugh! You're so hot!'


'What?' she stared at me, with a frown on her face. I prepared to cover my ears, ready for the yelling, but instead, she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a car on the road that i hadn't noticed before. Her car.

Opening the door, she pointed inside, 'Now.' i crossed my arms defiantly, but she just ignored it. 'If you don't get in, i'll put you in there myself.' the look in her eyes made me believe her, but i took a step away from her.

Regina pursed her lips and shut her door, walking around the car towards me. My eyes widened, half afraid of what she was going to do, but she walked up to me, and picked me up, like a man would do to his wife to cross the threshold. As promised, she opened the passenger door and dropped me into the seat. She shut my door and walked around to her side, staring at me the whole time.

'I'm driving you home,' she stated as she got into the car.

'What about Graham and Ruby, i can't just leave them without telling them!'

'Oh please' she rolled her eyes. 'I'm sure they will be fine without you.'

'Don't take me home! I'm not a child, i can go home myself, when i'm ready!' The car was already moving, so jumping out was not an option at this point.

'Yeah, sure, so you can get robbed, or raped, or worse.'

'I'm not your girlfriend, or your daughter, or.. I don't know, anything really! You don't have to take care of me, i've done pretty great myself this far.'

'It would have been wrong for me to leave you there. Not because i care about you, not because of anything we might have done in the past, but because i am your teacher, and your principal, and it would have been ridiculous for me to leave you there in your current situation. It's common sense Swan.'

'Right. Now you're just my teacher. Figures.' I'm being childish but i don't care, i'm annoyed.

We fall into silence for a while, but after a few minutes i panic. 'Wait! You can't take me home!'

'And why is that Swan?'

'If my parents see me like this, or even Sofia, our maid.... No, if they see me like this they will be so disappointed, i can't go home like this, please Regina.'

'You have to go home and take a cold shower.'

'Please don't.' i look at her, begging with my eyes. 'Please.'

I see her clench her jaw, and look at the road. 'Fine, i won't take you home. We will go to mine.'

Teacher's Pet (swanqueen AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang