Chapter 15

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Quick authors note:

HEY! Megan here. I'm writing this chapter. Hannah didn't know what to write about! It's ok cuz I have a GREAT IDEA for this chappie. Enjoy!!

Niall's point of view

I can't believe that Simon said yes to the song. And the girls were the ones to tell us!

"So. We shall go somewhere to celebrate?" Megan asked as I intertwined our fingers. Everybody was out to eat. Simon. Paul. Dani. El. Perrie. Liam. Louis. Zayn. Harry and Hannah were all here. Plus me to be exact. Plus my mum and Greg. Zayns mum and sisters. Harry's mum and Gemma. Louis' mum and sisters. Liam's mum and sisters. Lou, and Lux Teasdale. And Lou's husband. Tom. Josh Devine and Dan Richards. Everyone was here.

"Um. With everybody coming. We need a table for a hundred." I joked. As everyone laughed I looked at Megan. There literally wasn't any flaw on that girl. She was absolutely beautiful.

"So. I was thinking on renting out Nando's and having an evening there." Simon said as everyone nodded in agreement.


"Hello everybody. Thanks for coming." Simon said, greeting the massive people sitting at the fairly large table in the middle of the restaurant. "Now. As you know, one direction's newest song, best song ever went through the judging." Simon said, as everyone cheered. Even the staff. They had the staff line up around our table. It shows class. "And the lads will be making a music video along with it, and every single one of you will be able to watch the making of the video." He said as everyone cheered again. "Now. Introduction to the staff." He said, as the owner of Nando's walked up.

"Hello everyone. I would like to introduce you." He rambled on. "Hello Megan. Long time, no see.. Eh?" A fimilarr voice said, from behind us. Megan was nearly choking on her drink. This can't be the same guy.

no.. This can't be right. "Stuart." I whispered. We were face to face with Megan's ex boyfriend. I was ready to kill him. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I shouted, standing up, causing my chair to fall over. Stuart used to bully me in high school. He has no right to show up here. He may work here, but he should've waited until he was introduced. "What's going on here?" Simon asked as Hannah walked Megan to the loo, along with the other lassies. "I'll tell you what's going on." Stuart said as he came closer to me.

"This dickhead stole my girl!" He hollered, causing me to tense up. "Get the hell out of here." Liam said, standing up, so did the other lads. "Son. You need to leave." Simon said as Stuart turned towards me. "ASSHOLE!!!!" He yelled, throwing a punch at me. I quickily dodged it, and going behind him. "Stuart! Stop this!" I hollared, dodging more punches.I looked at simon, he was shouting something, but I couldn't hear him over the loud screams by the lads. I turned towards the restroom entrance, and saw Megan and the girls by the door. They looked horrified.

I wasn't paying attention good enough, because I felt a strong hand, come in contact with my face, bringing me to the ground. Next thing I know, Stuart lauched on top of me, punching my face several times. HE stopped and looked at me. "You can have her anyways. Shes just an ugly slut." He laughed. that kept echoing through my hand. I couldn't let him get away with that. The anger inside of me boiled my blood. I was BEYOND PISSED!!

"DON'T TALK ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN YOU BASTARD!!!!" I screamed, lunching myself at him, hitting him nonstop."Alright! Alright! NIALL! GET OFF OF ME!!" Stuart screamed. It seemed like he was crying. I stopped punching him, and got up. "Get out!" The manager pointed towards Stuart. He slowly got up, and rushe dout of the door..

point goes to me.

Me: 1




A/N: hye guys! Sorry it took so long to write. I needed to blow off some steam. Thats why theres a fight scene in this chappie.. The horror is back! my ex started texting me, calling me a bitch and shit like that. I was tempted to throw my phone again, but I can't afford it to be cracked again..... so


comment what you think! hannah and I really love the feedback! love you all


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