Lemonade or Tea

133 14 11

So Beyonce has this new album called Lemonade or some shit like that. First off, I was watching the video and she was looking wild fucking crazy and shit 😂. Sometimes I swear she's possessed or something.

Anyways, in the videos she talks about Betty with the good hair, yada yada. I think that if this is about Jay Z cheating, she did a great job with letting it be known because it's talked about everywhereeee. It's to the point where majority, if not all, of her beyhive fans are attacking this one girl that is allegedly Jay's mistress.

I think that Beyonce is crazy as hell, in a great way, and needs to finally leave Jay z ugly ass. If it wasn't for the money in his pockets, he wouldn't be taken seriously and wouldn't have women craving over him, if they do at all.

I just hope that they soon consider Blue's feelings in all of this. Jay Z is a whack ass nigga for the shit he pulled and I think Beyonce needs to put him in his place.

Should she leave him, what do you think??

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