Lil Kim

93 8 14

Saw this on my Instagram and died out laughing. What in the tarnation did this child do to her damn skin ??

When I took a first glance at the picture, I thought this was Christina Aguilera. This damn sure can't be the Lil Kim that I knew growing up cause this one right here is more white than an actual white person.

She went from black to Chinese to fucking white. I once heard that she wanted a more exotic and European look. Welp bitch, you damn sure got what you wanted.

She was so damn beautiful before she did all these damn altercations with her damn body. It's so sad how should could stoop so low and have so much self hatred to want to do such a drastic change.

She was one of them damn brown skin baddies with her lyrical ass. Before she was rocking wigs that were red, green, orange, shit damn near every color, if not all. Now she got on this stiff ass stale white wig on like she done lost her damn mind. She looking like Becky with the ghost face.

And before ya try to grease me in these comments or in ya heads, yes I know that there is cold filter applied to this photo, therefore making her slightly more lighter. But don't get that filter fucked up cause if I were to apply the same one, I'll be slightly light skin, I'll still look black.

It's the simple fact that with or without the damn filter she still looking like someone's half Chinese, half white, bit by a vampire head ass aunt.

Went from Lil Kim, to Lil Ling Ling, to Lil Ghostly. Jesus fix, and fix it fast.

~ Giiselle ❤️

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