Lmfao Bye ✌️

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Okay so she big mad or little mad 🤔??

Let's get one thing straight, I love criticism and I love when I get feedback on the work that I do, but it's one thing to be helpful and another to be rude about it.

I hate when bitches think they can try me because they're behind a screen and no where in sight.

Don't play with me cause my mouth is crazy and I'll have you in yo feelings. I have niggas in every state and city within the U.S. that will put bitches AND niggas on their neck.

That's one. Two, don't and try and tell me that my work is trash when you have no work to prove your writing abilities yourself. I work hard on the work that I publish so keep your disrespectful ass thoughts to yourself.

Always the bitches with no work and little to none followers to come at the work of others. I'm not about to play with bitter ass bitches.

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