I'm gay, so shut up.

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I'm getting a lot of messages and things lately from girls and/or boys having something to say about my sexuality.

1) All of you can fuck off because I am who I am.

2) I'm gay, and I don't give a fuck what others think about that.

The only person I'm sorry to is Midnight, because I wasn't to sure about who I was and what I really wanted and I didn't mean to make you believe that I had feelings for you.

Nothing any of you will say is going to 'turn me' that goes to all the girls claiming that they could make me like girls again, you can't and you won't so cut that shit.

I'm very cross with many of you because you can't seem to understand that I'm happy the way I am.

I have a boy, that I like VERY VERY much, and all of you trying to make me think differently can stop because I'm not that type of person.

Long story short, I'm gay.

Shut the fuck up if you have a problem.

-Harry (8.28.13)

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