Turn Ons (In General Not Just Sex ;))

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Okay, so basically this is just a list of things that I like in people and/or that attract me.

1) Lip bitting, I can't explain how much that attracts me. My fiancé does it all the freaking time and I just can't.

2) Cute giggles.

3) When people call me nicknames like Haz, or Hazzie, stuff like that

4) being called babe or baby.

5) being tickled... Just yeah.

6) people who can be funny but know when to be serious.

7) roughness.. I like having rought sex tbh, but I also like having that once and I while time where I can really just be slow and passionate and actually make love, ya know?

8) when people are just genuinely nice. I mean, my best friend is just a genuinely nice girl and she just yeah. I love when people are nice.

9) singing. If you sing to me I'll litteraly love you forever.

10) cuddling. Do I even need to explain? I love it.

11) people who are shorter than me

12) pretty eyes. I love blue eyes so much :3

13) bums. I honestly find it incredibly hot when a guy has a nice up bum... I dunno why I do, okay?

14) hair tugging. It turns me on so bad just stop.

15) moaning.. This is strictly in bed obviously but for some reason I get extremely turned on when someone moans in my ear.

16) My biggest turn on?

*whispers* Louis ;)

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