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Hello :)

So, I wanted to write this for my beauuuuuuutiful husband, he made one for me so I want to make one for him c:

This is just a handful of reasons I love him, because I couldn't possibly write them all.


Yeah ^.^


You're so random, and I mean that like you'll randomly say weird stuff and just shit that makes me laugh, reeeealllly hard. (Man Period o.o)

I constantly do shit that hurts you, and I know I do which I'm incredibly sorry for, but you still stay with me.

You've stayed with me threw all my.. Issues {you know what I mean, baby.}

You're helping me with all of those issues which is more then I could ever thank you for.

Your giggle is going to end all war and cause world peace... I'm sticking with that, Baby Doll (;

You're so cute and just adorable, oh my.

You let me hold you when I want to, yay!

You're not afraid to do crazy shit to cheer me up or just to have fun (Batman & Robin o.o)

This may sound a bit vain but you're so god damn beautiful. I tell you that so much baby, because you're fucking gorgeous.

#BigBum ;)


You're hilarious -if I didn't already say that- you're so god damn funny ah.

You listen to me when I talk, I could blabber all day and you listen.

You comfort me, better then anyone.

You calm my horrid, HORRID temper.

I love it when you do that stupid thing where you push my cheeks together and then you giggle at the noise.

You ask how my day is.. I seriously fucking love that I don't know why but I do.

You're friends with my best friend which is fabulous, hehe. #Ducky

You deal with my bad, horrid jealousy. Hehe... Sorry baby.

I love it when you want me to carry you.

You dont mind sitting in bed with me all day if I don't want to get up.

You also don't mind going out if I want to.

You make me want to be a better person then I am, so I'm trying to change my bad habits for you.

You're the second person I fell for, don't hate me yet, but what I'm saying is that I love you a billion trillion times more then I ever loved, him.

You were my first, yeah. -insert deep ass blush because I'm writing this in my lecture for world religion-

You're loud, and I love the amount of energy you have.

The way you whisper in my ear.. Oh my.

Your smile, ugh it just.. Perfect, yes.

You smell good... All the time.

Your moan ;) #SorryNotSorry

You're incredibly loving, sweet and passionate.. Uhhhhhhhhhggggg I love you so god damn much this is so long.

Your sass. Oh my.

I love your and Niall's (Zen's boyfriends) friendship cx it's so freaking entertaining.

You love me.. Yes.

Im literally so infatuated with you it scares me, and I need you so much more then you think I do.

You literally have me wrapped around your finger, I would do anything for you.

We both say how much we hate yet love each other cx

Your freggin legs.. Oh my god.

Your thighs.. OH MY GOD.

Your curvy ass body drives me fucking crazy.

How much your body reacts to me.. I told you about that c;

Lastly, I love everything about you, your good side, your bad side, your laugh, your smile, your legs, your E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.


That's all

I love you, babeh.



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