Questions ^.^

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-Stolen- Each of us are doing one of these :D


1. Any scars?

Erm, yeah.. Yeah a few.

2. Self harmed?


3. Crush?

My boyfriend duuuuh :3

4. Kissed anyone?

Three people.

5. Coke or Pepsi?

Pepsi! Like our commercial lol xD

6. Someone you hate?

Well... No.... Not really.

7. Best Friends?

The lads (obviously) Louis <3 and Curly :)

8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?

In multiple occasions.

9. What's your dream job?

I'm already doing it!

10. Ever been in love?

I am right now... :3

11. Last time you cried?

Week or so ago?

12. Favorite color?

Bluuuuuuuue atm

13. Height?

I'm gonna guess around 6' I'm lazy :D

14. Birthday?

February 1st!

15. Eye color?


16. Hair color?


17. What do you love?

My boyfriend, froends, family. And music.

18. Obsession?


19. If you had one wish, what would it be?

I'd wish for my dimples to be less, dimpley.

20. Do you love someone?

I love a lot of people!

21. Kiss or hug?

Both :D

22. Nicknames people call you?

Haz, Harbear, Curlipoo, Curly Pants ext

23. Favorite song?

Forever And Always - Parachute

24. Favorite band?

The eagles or the Ramones.

25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?


26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?

The band, *whispers* and Louis

27. Something you would change about yourself?

My dimplesssssssss

28. Ever dated someone?

One person. Then my current baby <3

29. Worst mistake?

Coming out in 9th grade then going back in the closet.

30. Watch the movie or read the book?


31. Ever had a heartbreak?


32. Favorite show?

I have a few :3

33. Best day of your life?

The day the lads and I got together and he say I met my babbbbby (don't tell him how much I'm mentioning him xD)

34. Any talents?

Singing, dancing, telling jokes and being cute c;

35. Do you wish you could ever start over?


36. Any bad habits?

Eh, a few..

37. Ever had a near death experience?


38. Someone I can tell anything to?

Louis and Curly.

39. Ever lost a loved one?

A few yeah.

40. Do you believe in love?

Very much.

41. Someone you hate/Dislike?

Nah, no one.

42. Are you okay?

At the moment.... Yes.

43. Relationship status?

HAPPILY TAKEN ❤❤❤ Love you baby <3

Dedicated to my perfect, amazing booooooooo ;) <3

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