chapter 8

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Ethan ran over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I said. Ethan was going to untie the ropes when dad tried to grab him. Ethan elbowed him and he fell. He untied me. I got up. I looked at him. "Thanks." I said. "No problem." Ethan said. He grabbed my arm and we ran. We decided to go to a nearby park. We were hanging out for awhile when I heard thunder rumbling. "Its gonna rain." Ethan said. Just as he said that, it started to rain. Ethan ran for shelter. I got a text on my phone. I lost my baby sister. I just stood there. "Carly come on!" Ethan yelled. "No!" I yelled. "You'll get soaked." Ethan said. Tears were streaming down my face. Ethan noticed. "What happened?" He asked. "I just lost my baby sister and all you care about is staying dry?" I asked. I was crying so hard. "What do you mean?" Ethan asked. "I lost her. Mom went to check on her and she was dead." I said. "Lost who?" Ethan asked. "My baby sister! I lost my baby sister!" I said. Ethan looked at the ground. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even know." He said. He looked up at me. "I didn't even know how bad things have been going for you. I'm so sorry." Ethan said. I looked at the ground. "I just feel like no one cares." I said. Ethan came out into the rain. "I care." He said. Just then someone grabbed my arm. "Let go of me!" I yelled. Someone grabbed Ethan's arm. "Hey. Get away." Ethan said. The guy held onto my arm tighter. He grabbed my other arm. He tied my hands. Ethan was in that same position. I looked at Ethan with fear in my eyes. Just then something covered my mouth. I looked at Ethan. Something covered my eyes. I saw a small glimpse of Ethan. Then I saw nothing. I was led somewhere and then was pushed. I heard an engine start up. After awhile, something pulled me out. Someone removed the blindfold. I was pushed into some place. Soon Ethan came in. They removed the tape and left, locking the door behind them. I played with the ropes trying to loosen the knot. I found it and untied the rope. I untied the rope from Ethan. "Thanks." He said. Just then one of the guys ran in. "That is not possible." He said. He re tied the ropes. Then he left. I tried to undo the knot but I couldn't. After awhile I gave up. I leaned up against the wall. Ethan scooted himself over to me. I had one hand free and so did he. I scooted closer to him. "Nothing's been going right in my life since I came here. All this bullying started when we left New York." I stopped talking because I couldn't stop myself from crying. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. Ethan was looking at me. Using my free hand I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry. I can't talk to you about it." I said. "You don't need to." Ethan said. He still had his hand on my shoulder. He removed his hand from my shoulder. Then he held out his hand. I took it and he intertwined our hands together. I looked at him. Just then Taylor came in. She untied the ropes from us. Ethan stood up and helped me up. "How did you find us?" I asked. "I have my ways." Taylor said. We left to go back home. When we got to Taylor's house, she ran inside and grabbed her stuff. She was going to stay at my house. When we got to my house, Ethan received a phone call. "Mom's stuck. Her car broke down. She's staying at a hotel." He said. I let him stay here. I was hungry. We ordered a pizza and settled on a movie to watch.
When I woke up the next day I had a headache. I cleaned everything up. Ethan was asleep on the couch. Taylor was in the guest bed. Soon they woke up. We got ready for school. When we got to school, we went to class. After school I headed home. Ethan went with me. When I got home, mom was there. And she was crying.

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