Chapter 16

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After school the next day, I met Ethan at his house. We were going to carry out our plan. We walked to the park. We were just going to hang out. When we got there, we just sat down. After about ten minutes, our target showed up. He pulled out his camera waiting for something to happen. Ethan whispered something in my ear and I started to laugh. I noticed him snap a picture. "Now." Ethan said. We took off after him. I finally grabbed him. "I was hoping you'd be sad." He said. "Jackson what the heck were you thinking? Bullying me like that?" I asked. "You hurt me so I decided to hurt you." He said. Ethan ran up to me. "The distance between us was too much for me and you know it. Instead of taking it like a normal person, you come here and start bullying me." I stated. Some friends of Jackson showed up to help him. "Get them guys." He said. His friends stood still. "Guys. What are you doing?" Jackson asked. "Standing up for what's right." One kid said. Then to my surprise, they all joined us. Jackson looked down. "So what if you all turn against me." Jackson said. He grabbed Ethan. "Take one step Carly and he's gone." Jackson said. "Let him go!" I yelled. Ethan escaped his grip and ran to me. "You know something? I learned something from this. People can be mean, cruel and sometimes just plain stupid. But there's also people who are nice. Real friends stand with each other no matter what. It doesn't matter if you're new at school or you made a mistake. There will be people who care. I'm happy here. I have good grades at school. I have a best friend but most importantly," I grabbed Ethan's hand and entwined our fingers. "I have Ethan." 

Jackson looked at us. Then he sucked his cheeks in. "Fine." He said. He took off. As soon as he was gone, Ethan turned to me. "You did it. He's gone." He said. "No. We both did it. Together." I said. "We make a pretty good team." Ethan said. "You know Ethan?" I asked. "I couldn't agree more."

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