chapter 11

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When I woke up half an hour later. I saw two police officers. I shook Ethan awake. "Are you guys hurt or anything?" One officer asked. I shook my head. "I'm fine." Ethan said. One of the officers handed me the handcuff key. I unlocked myself. Ethan did the same. I rubbed my wrist. My mom walked in. I ran to her and started crying. "I'm sorry. I should have told you but I didn't have my phone.." My voice trailed off. "I'm just glad you're okay." Mom said. Mom handed me my phone. The time read twelve fifteen PM. "Hey Ethan. What time is the dance?" I asked. "Seven at night." Ethan said. "It's only fifteen minutes after noon." I said. "We can still go." Ethan said. "Wait. How are we going to get in?" I asked. Ethan pulled out two tickets. "Mom. Can I go?" I asked. "Sure." Mom said. "Wait. I have nothing to wear." I said. "We can go shopping." Taylor said. "Okay." I said. After shopping we got our nails done. When I got home it was almost seven. I put my dress and shoes on. My mom came in my room. "You look amazing." She said. Just then the doorbell rang. "Its Ethan." I said. Mom let him in. I came downstairs. Ethan's eyes widened. "You look amazing." He said. "Thanks." I said. "Uh. I brought this for you." Ethan said. He showed me a corsage. He put it on me. Ethan and I left. His mom drove us to the school. When we got there, we got out and went inside. The dance was in the school gym. They gave that place a new look with all the decorations. "Wow." I said. We sat down. After a few songs a slow song played. Ethan looked at everyone. Then he turned to me. "Want to dance?" He asked. I followed him on the dance floor. He was actually pretty good at dancing. After the song was over, we stayed on the dance floor. At one point Ethan decided to twirl me and we ended causing an audience. I was having so much fun. Just then the lights went off. Everyone screamed. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Uh Ethan. I don't think the police got them." I said. Ethan knew who I was talking about. "Them again?" Ethan asked. "Unfortunately." I said. Just then I heard a gunshot. "Ethan you okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Ethan said. "We have to get out of here." I said. Ethan grabbed my hand and we ran. Just then something pulled me back. "Ethan help!" I yelled. Ethan didn't answer. I elbowed whoever was grabbing me and ran outside. "Ethan!" I yelled. Just then someone grabbed my wrist. "You're not going anywhere." Someone said. "Let me go!" I yelled. I saw Ethan. "Ethan help me!" I yelled. The guy grabbed my other wrist. Ethan ran to me. Someone grabbed him. "Let me go!" Ethan said. "Ethan!" I yelled. I started to pass out. The last thing I saw was Ethan with those guys. Then I blacked out.

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