Chapter 12

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[A/N: Hello! Sorry for this chapter taking forever to be posted. I've had a lot of homework the past few days. I just wanted to say thank you for all the votes. This story just got to 100 votes! Please keep voiting, I would love to see this chapter get to 10 votes. And don't forget to comment! People who comment get dedications!]

I woke up to the sweet smell of strawberries for the second morning in arrow. I could get use to this. I looked down at a peaceful sleeping Olivia with her arm across my stomach and her head still resting on my chest. I imagined my life years down the road waking up with here this same way. I loved picturing it. I wanted to wake up with way forever. Seeing the slight curl at the corner of her lips and her scrunched eyebrows made my morning that much better. I slowly moved myself out from underneath Olivia's grip, careful not to wake her, and went out to the living room and kitchen.

I had almost forgotten about the occurrences from last night until I saw the flipped table and the shattered glass around the room. I moved the table back to its original upright position and grabbed the broom to sweep up the glass, trying my best not to step on any tiny pieces of it. 

I looked over at the clock on my stove and it read 6:30. I decided I'd make some breakfast for Olivia and I since I still have three hours before I had to get to the studio for what was probably our last day of recording. I hoped she liked waffles. 

I put on my apron that Olivia loved so much and mixed the batter and poured it into the iron, the whole time thinking yet again about my future with Olivia. I could see myself waking up early on a Sunday morning cooking eggs, bacon, and a whole bunch of other things for the family. I'd call and say that breakfast is ready and out would come Olivia with the kids. Kids? Did I just say kids? I never thought that far ahead in my future before, not even with Caitlyn. I knew I wanted kids at some point in my life but I never imagined myself with them, or who I would have them with for that matter. This girl was seriously driving me insane. 

As I poured the last dollop of batter into the waffle iron, Olivia walled out from the hall in only my t-shirt and her hair piled on top of her head in a bun. I took a moment to admire the view of how good she looked wearing my clothes. I defiantly wanted to wake up to this every day. "Good morning, beautiful," I chimed. 

"Morning," she smiled at me as she rubbed the dust out of her eyes. "It smells really good in here, what are you cooking?" she questioned as I handed her a cup of coffee. 

"This morning we will be having my world famous banana waffles," I said professionally as I set a plate of food in front of where she was sitting at the table. 

"World famous, huh? I'll be the judge of that," she winked at me and took a bite. I couldn't help the stupid smile that came on my face as she nodded as she chewed and gave me a thumbs up. "Very good. I approve," she giggled. 

"I was surprised that you didn't mock my apron this morning," I joked.

"It's too early to think of anything to say. Give me some time and I'll think of something, don't you worry," she joked back taking a sip of her coffee.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked sitting down next to her with my plate and coffee. 

"Very well, thank you. You make a comfortable pillow. What about yourself?"

"I slept just fine, thanks."

We finished the rest of our breakfast in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, just enjoying each other's company and the lovely food I had prepared for the two of us. I kept sneaking glanced over at Olivia admiring how beautiful she looked in the morning. I thought I was going to get away with it until she questioned, "why do you keep looking at me?" as she took the last swig of her coffee.

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