House of Bloo's - Part 1

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In a small, average-sized apartment, tension filled the air. The room felt thick with fear and suspense. Slowly, from behind the couch, the head of a young boy peeked out. That head belonged to a boy named Mac, with chestnut-colored hair and dark black eyes. He wore a long sleeved white t-shirt with black speckles. On top of that, he wore a thick red sweater and a dark green backpack. He had tan, baggy pants that came down to his ankles, and black-and-white shoes. Next to him, another head emerged from the backside of the couch. This head belonged to Blooregard Q. Kazoo, or Bloo for short. He was simply a blue blob, almost shaped like a rounded door, with stubby arms and small black pupils like Mac's. Silently, the pair quickly glanced around the room, checking for any sign of danger. Behind them, a shadowy figure slowly crept up on the two, with an evil grin on his face. When he got close enough, both boy and blob slowly made eye contact, both having the same thought at once:


With a loud scream, both boys scrambled over the couch and ran down the hallway, hearts pulsing with fear. A much older boy named Terrence was not too far behind them, Mac's mean-spirited older brother. Between pants, he called out, "Wait! Stop," shaking his fist menacingly in their direction. "I just wanna PUNCH you!"

Fearfully, Bloo cried out, "Watch your back, Mac! He's gaining on us-" He was abruptly cut off with a quick slug from Terrence, which he managed to dodge, with a cry of "Woah!" The fist missed both boys and smashed into the wall, creating a large hole in it's place. "Ooooohhh," Terrence called out as the pair raced away, "I'm telling Mooooom!"

Mac and Bloo began running in circles around the couch, with Terrence hot on their heels. Still running, Bloo looked over to the boy. "Mac?" he asked, occasionally glancing behind to see if the bull behind them had gotten any closer. "Yeah?" Mac replied, doing the same. "Your brother," Bloo began, nearly tripping over the foot of the couch. "Yeah?" Mac answered, quickly steadying his friend before they both got captured.

"Is a," Bloo continued.

"Uh huh?"

"Big," Bloo replied with a smile.




"Doofus!" was Bloo's answer, while they both picked up speed. Mac laughed in response, and that only made Terrence madder. "Shut up, you..." Terrence shouted, still thinking of what to say.

"Yeah?" came Bloo's calm response.



"You..." Suddenly, a grin came to Terrence's face as he came up with the perfect comeback. "Bloofus!"

Normally, Bloo would have shrugged off any of Terrence's dim-witted insults, because there were simply other things to worry about. This one, however, made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Bloofus? Bloofus??" he echoed in disbelief, while Mac angrily stomped up beside him.

"He's Blooregard Q. Kazoo, and you know it, Terrence." Mac spat, crossing his arms defiantly.

"Right, right!" Bloo rambled, counting off on his non-existent fingers. "Or Blooey, Bloo the Bloodude, El Blooderino, or, hey, why not just Bloo?" Bloo mockingly turned to Terrence. "But seriously man, Bloofus?" he said with a laugh. "How stupid can you get?"

"Look!" Terrence jabbed a finger in their faces and cut loose. "No stupid imaginary friend of my stupid little brother is gonna tell me how stupid I am, 'cause I KNOW just how stupid I-" Terrence quickly cut himself off when he saw Mac and Bloo's wobbly smiles, barely keeping themselves from laughing at what Terrence had almost admitted.

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