House Of Bloo's - Part 3

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Wilt led them to the first few rooms, saying their names aloud. "Waiting room, sitting room, living room, parlor!" 

"Oh, sorry, sorry... I have to stop," he paused for a moment. "Okay? Okay, check this out:" Wilt pointed to a picture of an old woman above the fireplace. "This is Madame Foster. Man, i tell ya, if it wasn't for this little lady, none of us would even be here, 'cause you see, she's the one who had the bright idea to open up her own home, and give us forgotten imaginary friends a second chance! I mean, how cool is that?" 

Overhearing the conversation, a few other friends agreed as they all passed by. "She rules!" said one. "She's awesome!" cried another flying past. Mac and Bloo were all smiles until a green stalk-like friend with one eye said, "She's old." Right afterwards, Mr. Herriman appeared with a wooden paddle, escorting the friend away. All four of them looked on, saying nothing. 

"Hallways, hallways, hallways, HALT!" Wilt said abruptly, making the three jump. "Sorry I keep stopping, but I gotta point this out, okay?" He pointed to two big doorways exiting off of the main room. "This is Mr. Herriman's office, and trust me, you don't want to ever, ever, EVER get sent here." Right as Wilt stopped, the doors opened and the friend from before exited, hand on his backside. "I'll say," he grumbled, and the others watched him leave. 

"Wash room, bathroom, powder room, laundry!" As they looked around the room, Wilt noticed a friend had dropped a sock onto the ground as they were carrying away their clothes. Wilt picked up the article and spun it like a basketball, and with his tongue stuck out, launched it perfectly into the basket. Mac and Bloo shared an impressed smile, and Serenity quickly whispered, "When it comes to basketball, Wilt's the KING. I don't think he's ever lost a game before!" 

"Whoa," the pair hushed, before quickly following Serenity and joining Wilt again.

"DINING ROOM," Wilt shouted, "tea room, pantry, kitchen!" As they started walking again, they caught sight of one the strangest friends in the whole house. She was a bird, with an airplane body, palm tree head, and red squiggly mouth. "Coco?" she asked, making Mac and Bloo even more confused. "Uh... no thanks." Mac stammered, but Bloo quickly said, "Yes," once she asked again. 





This conversation continued for a while, with Bloo getting slightly more annoyed each time she asked. After a while he shouted, "YES, please, with marshmallows!" Serenity snickered, and Wilt said, "No, Bloo, no... this is Coco." He pointed in her direction. "She wasn't asking if you wanted  cocoa, well... she... all she says is Coco." 

"Oh!" Bloo said, "Well then what was she saying?"

With a goofy smile, Wilt said, "Ya want any juice?"

Coco now joined the group as Wilt continued his tour. "Hallways, hallways, hallways... hallways," Wilt was growing tired. Mac suddenly noticed his untied shoe, and bent over to take care of it, when he thought he heard breathing sounds coming from behind him. He turned to look, but didn't see anything, so he just walked off. But he didn't notice the figure hidden behind the turn...

"Music room, play room, mattress room, arcade!" Mac and Bloo were completely hypnotized by the games, so Wilt and Coco had to drag them out with a funny sigh. "Come on.... Coco..." After they had left, the figure peeked out at them again.

"Bedrooms, bedrooms, bedrooms, bedrooms..." After opening the fourth door, Wilt spotted Frankie getting blankets thrown all over her. "No, no, no! This is UNACCEPTABLE!" Mac and Bloo recognized the voice to be Duchess, the screaming friend from earlier. "i will not stand for my good linens to be washed with everyone else's dirty laundry!" She approached Frankie. "I have said this time and time again... wash with imported water only! I don't care if you have to run a pipe from the Swiss Alps, just do it, do it, DO IT!" She jabbed a finger in Frankie's face until she noticed the group watching from her door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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