House of Bloo's - Part 2

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For what seemed like hours, Bloo was in a stunned silence.

He felt his heart shatter into a million pieces, pieces that he felt would never come back together again. The family that had raised him since he was created, his own adopted mother, wanted him gone.

"I'm sorry, Mac," Bloo heard Mac's mother conclude. His whole body went numb. The hand that was raised to the door dropped to his side.

He heard the clicking of her heels as she walked over to the door and swung it open. Bloo, his mouth still stuck open in shock, fell onto the carpet, with no attempt to break his fall. "Oh, sorry, Bloo." she said calmly, as if the whole terrible conversation had never occurred. She turned and walked down the hallway and into the kitchen.

Bloo didn't try to get up, and was hit by a spitball that had come from Terrence. He sat on his bed, laughing at his pain. "Hasta la bye bye!" he said with a grin.

For the rest of the day, Mac and Bloo barely spoke at all, not even to each other. Mac was mad, and was avoiding his mother the whole time that she was home. Bloo was sadly walking around the house, trying to imagine what life would be like away from Mac.

At last, the pair laid down on their bunk beds for what seemed like the final time. Bloo waited until he could hear Mac's breathing soften from underneath his bed, and then turned on the T.V.

"Sorry you have to go!"

"Go on, boy, get out of here!"

"And just like that, it's gone!"

"Featuring such blues classics as: 'Feelin' Blue', 'Gettin' Rid of the Blues', and 'No One Wants the Blues'."

Bloo quickly flipped through the channels, just wanting to find a station that would help ease his soul, and none of these were helping.

"Are you... alone?"

With a surge of anger, Bloo began flipping through the channels even faster, before settling on a Grand Canyon documentary.

"The Grand Canyon, spectacular, beautiful and mystifying. And one of the deepest, deepest, deepest depressions the world has ever known."

Bloo had had it. He spammed the buttons on the remote control faster than he ever had before.

"Aw, go away!"

"Nobody likes you anyways."

"That's for babies!"

"... Imaginary friends..."

"Get out before I make you!"

Bloo froze. Did he hear correctly? A commercial about imaginary friends? He quickly retraced his steps, until he found the commercial again.

"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a wonderful, funderful imagination habitation," a young woman's voice chirped happily. "We provide food, shelter, and a warm heart for imaginary friends looking for a place to call home!" Bloo felt a smile spread across his face. "So, if you know of, or have an imaginary friend that desperately needs a home, then come on down to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: where good ideas are never forgotten."


Serenity woke up with a start. The sun was high in the sky, and was streaming sunlight through a crack in her window. She had almost overslept! She raced to the bathroom, and washed and dried her face. Then she dropped on all fours and padded into the long hallway.

After thumping down the stairs, she sat down at the long table with her friends and made herself a bowl of cereal. Once she had finished, she put her silverware in the sink, so that the caretaker of the house had less to clean up. She did more of her share of cleaning already!

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