The Rapture

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Without warning, millions of people around the globe will disappear without a trace. All those who have accepted Christ as their Savior and believe that He is the true Messiah, including all children under the age of around 6-7 years old, will be taken to Heaven where they will reunite with God. The Judgment Seat of Christ takes place and the saints of the ages are rewarded for their perseverance with crowns from Christ himself. 

Unfortunately, back on Earth, it is all utter chaos. Many unmanned vehicles such as cars, bikes, trucks, motorcycles, planes, boats, ships, etc. will have no driver/captain/pilot and will crash into many people left on Earth causing mass destruction. Billions will mourn because their loved ones have vanished in the blink of the eye. Lots of people will commit suicide out of fear, and many will raise anarchy. This is all just the beginning. Many people who have classified themselves as Christians but never truly committed themselves to Christianity entirely will also be left behind.

There will be a very short period of time before the Seven Year Tribulation begins.

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