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"Come on, Bog. You aren't even trying," Marianne chuckled, knocking his staff aside.
"Lucky for you, Tough Girl, or I'd have won five minutes in," he joked back.
"Ohhooh," she laughed, blocking another strike to her side. Bog stepped back, letting his eyed travel over her stance, plotting his next move. When he saw it, his dark smirk grew.
Bog feigned left, which Marianne dodged, flaring her wings and a moment late realizing what his plan was, raised her sword, blocking his incoming staff.
Her block was successful, only realizing when Bog's staff no longer posed a threat, that she was pinned between her paramour and the wall.
Marianne's chest heaved against his from exertion as he leaned over her, his blue eyes dancing. "I win." His breathy words burned on her skin and a shiver ran down her spine.
There was a clang as their weapons hit the stone floor. Marianne's arms wrapped desperately around Bog's neck. Bog jerked Marianne into his chest, locking his arms around her, their lips meeting in a seering, bruising kiss.
Bog's fangs trailed lines along Marianne's jaw to her ear. Marianne let out a low moan of delight as Bog marked her as his own for all to see.
Marianne's blunt fairy nails scrabbled for purchase on his thick carapace, landing the light kiss to his ear every now and again. Bog cupped her rear and lifted her closer to him. Her legs wrapping around him like vines. He growled against her lips, possessive and demanding and Marianne had never heard anything so sexy in all her life.
"Bog," she managed, grinding her hips voraciously against his own fiercely grinding hips. His sharp teeth continued marking the soft skin of her neck as his claws tore at her clothes. She gasped at the first contact of his claws and flesh on her skin.
Bog peeled the petals from her and clung to her tighter, loving the way her soft curves melded against his hard carapace.
"Marianne," he sighed as she nipped at his neck and drug her fingers, sensually down his spine. He shivered against her touch before returning to his own fairy meal.
Marianne gasped as Bog's dexterous fingers, now skilled and bold from the many times of doing this, began gently, yet firmly kneading the soft mounds on her chest. He moaned as she arched delightfully against him.
"Bog," she gasped arching her fingers into his back. This earned a snarl and a sharp nip to her collarbone. Marianne gave a high pitched keen and her hips thrust more desperately against his. Her spike in scent as her arousal grew had Bog desperately rutting against her.
She could feel Bog's growing interest pressing most promisingly against her still clothed heat. His hand moved down her waist as his mouth latched onto her breast nipping with sharp fangs. His claws pulled at her leggings, trying to figure out how to get them off without detangling the hot and bothered fairy princess from around his waist.
Marianne's purple wings suddenly flared and she shifted her hips away long enough for him to relieve her of her leggings and with that last shred of cloth tossed aside, Bog was free to press the heel of his hand against her throbbing wet core.
She hissed tossing her head back against the wood wall. Bog pressed her harder into the wall, capturing her lips as they sallowed each others moans I'd ecstasy. His sharp hide scraped deliciously over her skin and her light fingers knew just how to shift on his chitin-covered head to earn the breathy gasps of her name.
"Marianne," he said her name as if he couldn't believe she was here.
"Mmn," she keened against his ear, rubbing her soft cheek against his prickly carapace. Marianne loved the feel of his carapace contrasting with her skin. His hard length pressed against her soft thigh, hit and hard and promising. He could feel her heated, wet core radiating against his shaft and groaned at the thought of bring buried in her heat.
"Marianne, I don't think-"
"Take me," she snarled. Bog returned her snarl and filled her in one ferocious thrust. Bog's body tensed as her vice like walls closed around him. His breath shuddered as he restrained himself from harming her delicate fairy form and allowed her time to adjust to his girth.
Meanwhile, Marianne melted on a puddle of filled bliss. Her body was like rubber, like Bog filling her was the only thing keeping her in this form. Marianne felt her back and wings scrape along the wall as Bog delivered shallow sharp thrusts of his member into her core.
"Bog," she moaned his name, heady and low on his lips.
"Mari-aa-" he groaned, his claws pricking her flesh. Marianne tossed her head back at the mix of pain and pleasure coursing through her.
"B-Bog," she gasped, "Please..." her breath was hot in his ear. He didn't need her to elaborate, her request.
Bog roared driving into her. Marianne cried out in delight, tightening her legs around him. Her back scrapped against the rough wood wall. Bog's teeth scraped against her throat and Marianne's voice rumbled between his teeth earning a snarl.
The hot coils curled tightly deep in her belly, growing hotter and tighter with each of Bog's anomalistic thrusts. His growls arched gently against her smooth skin, dragging along the base of her twitching violet wings.
"Ohh," she breathed openmouthed. She cried out his name echoing from the palace walls and ceiling. Bog gave a groan as he shifted his teeth to nibble at her ear.
"Marianne," Bog snarled huskily, his voice heavy and brogue thick.
"Nnng," she manages by way of reply as he continues to lay claim to her in every way.
Bog felt her little fingers and toes brushing up against the plates on his armor. He could feel her walls growing tighter around his harness.
"Mariahrgh," her name a garbled cry on his lips.
Marianne gave a cry of his name as she finally reached her peak, crashing in waves around him. Bog roared, echoing and incomprehensible as he filled her and she gratefully milked him, for all he was worth.
Spent and exhausted, they collapsed against the wall. Bog cradling Marianne to him possessively and refusing to let go. Marianne was a puddle of spent ecstasy. She reached up with a gentle hand and stroked Bog's face. He leaned into her laughing eyes.
"Don't think this means you've won," she said breathless.
"Oh?" he croaked, arching a brow at her.
Marianne smirked and pushed away from the wall landing astride him. "Best two outta three?" she asked with a roll on her hips, sending dull sparks of growing pleasure through him.
Bog grabbed her hips forcefully with one claw. "Your on, Tough Girl," he growled, pulling her down for a fierce kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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