Ch. 2

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G U E S S  W H O ?


C H A P T E R  T W O


Coffee Meet Ups


"I want a boyfriend," Melanie exclaims, startling her friends Indria and Isadora.

"So get one," Isadora replies, nails clicking against the keyboard as she typed up her paper. She was all about school, even when hanging out with her best friends.

"What happened to that one guy? Eric?" Indria asked, actually paying attention to her, she sighed.

"We broke up."

"'We broke up' as in it was mutual or as in you got bored and dumped him without giving him a chance?" Isadora asked, glancing up at her for a brief second. She stuck her tongue out at her, Isadora smirked.

"It says in this article that I should have met the man I'm going to marry already. Eighty percent guys, what if I dumped my soul mate a long time ago!"

"Maybe you and Izzy are part of the twenty percent who haven't met your other half yet." Indria replied, shrugging. Of course with her being the Indian/ Latina goddess that she was she'd already met her life partner, Rasul Daher, football player extraordinare.

Melanie thought up of all the guys she knew that could be potential boyfriends. She wondered if that twin that liked her way back when was single? Maybe he was onto something? Maybe she should try again?

"Uh oh, I know that look." Isadora said as she smiled at them.

She decided that'd she'd ask them out to get coffee or something together and see if there was anything there. She also decided that'd she'd give every guy a chance, what could go wrong?




Melanie deleted the thread of text and blocked the number, sighing as she laid back on the bed.

That's the last time I give my number to some random guy on the bus.

She'd already met up with two exs and both meetings had been unsuccessful. She could see why she fell for them in the first place. One had been charming and mannerly, but he had a wandering eye, especially now that he was single. He even ditched her at one point to ask for the waitress' number. The other was dreadfully boring, at first it seemed to be going well, then she found herself making all the effort to keep the conversation going.

Some people just never change.

"I cannot believe you went on a date with Caleb, he's so boring." Indria, her best friend, said with a mouthful of popcorn. She plopped down beside her, placing the bowl on her abdomen. Isadora had a project to finish, so she couldn't make it.

"Maybe I'm being picky."

"What about David?" She asked, flipping through the TV channels. "You guys were good for awhile."

"He's got a boyfriend."

"No way." She turned to face her, "show me!" Melanie grinned, sitting up, grabbing the bowl. She handed her the plate back and grabbed her phone. "They're cute! You can't break them up!"

"Wasn't planning too." She tossed her phone somewhere behind her, "this sucks. I want a boyfriend."

"You'll find one, haven't you seen anyone interesting at school?" She shook her head, taking the remote from her, sighing dramatically again.

"I have a couple more meet ups this week, maybe I find something there. I don't even want to count them as dates honestly."

"I believe in you." Indria said, throwing her arms around her in a hug, she laughed.


♥  ✖  ♡  ✖  ♥

Melanie is wild, I would never go around asking guys out. I mean I'm confident enough, but I'm at that point where I'm like I'm cool being single, but if life wants to to toss a guy at me okay lol

You can read about Indria and Rasul in "Emergency Love" on this account. Keep an eye out for Isadora (;


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♥  ✖  ♡  ✖  ♥

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