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Two months later. They are nearing the end of season one.
Ellen's POV
I step out of the warm shower and wrap myself in a towel. Quickly stepping through the bathroom and into my bedroom, I put my clothes on and dry my hair.
With ten minutes to spare, I make my way down the stairs and grab my keys.
"See you later Chris." I shout through the house. Without waiting for a reply, I step out of the house and jog to my car to get out of the pouring rain.
I start the car and turn on the heat to warm my cold fingers. This has to be a record all time low temperature for LA. It feels like it's 40 degrees out!
I drive through my neighborhood and check the time on my phone. Wait a minute. I'm at 3%? I guess my phone didn't charge last night. Great.
I sigh and put my phone in the cup holder.
I speed down the highway and my old car begins to rattle.
"No. No no no no! Don't do this baby come on." I say, hitting the steering wheel. The car slowly stops and I pull off to the side of the road before it completely dies.
I rest my forehead on the steering wheel and groan. I check my watch and quickly grab my phone to dial Chris' number.
"Hello?" he answers.
"Chris. You need to come get me. I'm on the back road by our house." I say quickly. There's a long pause before I hear his voice again.
"El I'm really busy right now. I can't just drop everything to come visit you at work. I work too. I gotta go."
He hangs up the phone and I stare at it shocked. I quickly dial Patrick's number but right before I hit dial, my phone dies.
"No! No no no! This can't be happening!" I shout. I check my watch again. I can't be late again. I already have 2 strikes already. One more and they take away the keys to my trailer. I mean I share it with Patrick but I still wouldn't want to bother him that much.
I step out of my car into the pouring, cold rain. I start jogging through the rain, in the direction of the highway. There's no way I'm going to make it in time.
The cold water begins to seep through my clothes, making me shiver. My hair clings to my face and neck as I continue to jog. I hear a car in the distance and squint into the rain to see if it's coming my way.
I look behind me and see lights. Smiling, I stick my hand out, waving at the driver to get their attention. The car speeds right by me, splashing into a puddle, soaking me even more. If I wasn't drenched before, I am now.
I continue to walk down the road, beginning to lose feeling in my fingers. I cross my arms over my chest, trying to keep the heat inside of my body.
The rain hits the ground with more force than before, drowning out any sound at all. A flash of lighting fills the sky and the loud thunder follows it.
I feel arms wrap around me and I jump away and turn around. Patrick is standing there, holding a blanket. His hair sticks to his face and he wears a black jacket over a very wet white shirt.
I walk back toward him and gladly accept the blanket he holds toward me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we run toward his car. He makes sure I'm buckled in before shutting my door and running around the car to get in.
He looks at me and smiles.
"What were you doing walking in the rain silly girl?" he asks, starting the car and driving down the road.
"My car broke down." I say giggling.
"It did? Why didn't you call?" he asks.
"I called Chris. And then I was about to call you but my phone died." I tell him. He nods.
"Well is Chris on his way?" he asks.
"Oh. Uh, no." He looks at me curiously.
"And why not?" he asks.
"He said he was busy."
"But you were stranded."
"I know. But he has a job too." I tell him.
"I would've dropped everything." he says. I blush.
"Because you're worth it. You should be treated how you deserve. And I don't think Chris does that." I look out the window and stay silent the rest of the ride.
We pull into the lot and he steps out and runs to my door. He opens it and helps me out, holding an umbrella over my head.
"Shit. Shonda's going to kill me!" I say, looking at my watch. 15 minutes late. We run inside and see the cast and crew, standing around. Shonda spots us and begins to walk toward us as Patrick closes the umbrella and sets it aside.
"Where have you been? This is your third strike Ellen." she says. I open my mouth to reply but Patrick speaks for me.
"I found her walking along the side of the road. Her car broke down. That's why we are soaking wet. She really shouldn't get a strike for this. It's not her fault." he says, giving her his best dreamt stare. She stares at him for a while and then sighs.
"Fine. You're excused. This time. Not once more." she says. I smile and Patrick and thank him before we both run to hair and makeup.
I step out of the studio and into the dark parking lot. I haven't seen Patrick since I shot my last scene with him.
I don't have a car or a phone. Great. I guess I could stay in the trailer for the night. I walk in the direction of my trailer and unlock the door.
I quietly step inside and lock it again.
Walking into the bedroom, I begin to take off my clothes and bra. I grab my pajama top and matching shorts from the closet and slip them on my body.
I slide into the bed and sigh as I finally rest my body. Patrick walks into the trailer and I sit up and pull the blanket up to cover my see through top.
He enters my room and smiles as he sees me. He leans against the door frame and folds his arms across his chest.
"Patrick. What are you doing here?" I ask blushing.
"Spending the night. What are you doing, Miss Pompeo?" I glare at him.
"I'm sleeping here." I tell him. He nods and continues to smirk at me.
"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I ask, wanting him to go away.
"Oh. No ma'am. Is there...anything I can help you with?" he asks, glancing at my grip on the sheets.
"No. Thank you."
He stands there for a while longer.
"You may leave now." I say smiling. He raises an eyebrow.
"Am I not allowed to have a sleepover with you like old times?" he asks. I giggle.
"No. Considering you are now married."
"Pretend I'm not." My mouth drops slightly with shock.
He walks toward me and slips his shirt over his head and throws it on the ground before sliding into the bed next to me. He scoots near me and I scoot away.
"Keep your distance, Patty." I tell him. He smiles and scoots away. We lay facing each other and I try to remember the last sleep over we had.
A fuzzy memory pops into my head and a tear escapes my eye as I realize the last time we had a sleepover was the night my mother died. He seems to realize this too as he wipes the tear away and grabs my hand.
"Let's make new memories of having sleepovers." he whispers. I nod and smile.
"Tell me about college. How was it?" he asks. I giggle as I tell him all about the crazy stories and friendships.
We talk all through the night and before we know it, it's 4 in the morning. I yawn and he smiles slightly.
"We should go to sleep now." he says quietly. I nod in agreement and close my eyes. His thumb continues to make circles on my hands in a soothing manner and I quickly fall asleep.

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