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The flashing cameras make it hard for me to see the pathway as I walk down the red carpet with Jill on my arm. I stop every now and then to smile and wave for the cameras, wishing that Ellen were here instead of Jill. She keeps pulling me down the carpet whenever I try to stop.
"You know we are supposed to take our time on the carpet." I whisper as she tugs on my arm once again.
"Come on, Pat. I'm tired. I just want to leave." she whines. I sigh and kiss her temple.
"Alright." I mumble, walking down the carpet toward the entrance.
"Excuse me, Mr. Dempsey!" a reporter shouts, sticking her microphone out toward me.
I glance at Jill who is giving me the look. I smile politely at the reporter.
"Do you have a minute?" she asks, her eyes pleading with me.
"No, thank you. I'm sorry. My wife is feeling a bit under the weather." I tell them, making Jill squeeze my arm with disapproval. I shrug, not knowing what I did wrong.
"Please, Patrick. Just a few questions." she asks. I look at Jill who sighs and puts on a fake smile while nodding at me.
"Alright. That'll be fine." I tell her. The reporter smiles and steps closer to me and looks at the camera.
"I'm here with Patrick Dempsey who is known for his role as Dr. Mcdreamy in the new hit medical drama, Greys Anatomy which airs on ABC. Now, Mr. Dempsey, how has starring in this show affected you and your home life?" she asks. Of all the damn questions, she had to ask that one.
"Well it's nice to have a steady income to support my wife and lavish her." I say, smiling at Jill who looks unamused. "But overall, it's been an unbelievable experience and I'm grateful for it."
"Now, do you watch the show together?" she asks Jill.
"No, we try to stay away from watching it. It's just a little too weird to watch, you know?" Jill says, putting on her charm. The reporter laughs and nods.
"And I've heard rumors about you and leading lady, Ellen Pompeo." the reporter says, turning back to me. My heart drops and I suddenly feel guilty for no reason. It's not like we've done anything wrong.
"Is that so?" I ask, trying to keep smiling.
"Yes. You guys have known each other since you were little?" she asks. I smile with relief and nod.
"Yes, actually. When we were five, I think, she moved in next door and we immediately became best friends. Play mates." I tell her.
"And would you say Ellen has changed since you first met her?" she asks.
"Yes and no. Ellen has been through a lot and overcome a lot of...uh, tragic things. And these things have made her stronger in a sense that she knows how to take care of herself. She is a very independent woman and I admire her for that. But she has always been a bit crazy and very entertaining. And she has always been my best friend." I tell the reporter honestly.
"Wow. That's truly beautiful. Thank you, Patrick Dempsey." she says. She turns back to the camera and smiles.
"Well folks, there you have it. The rumors are true. I'm michelle Stevenson. Have a great night."
The camera turns off and I turn back to Jill who had left my side at some point throughout that interview. I look around for her, searching through the crowd of paparazzi and actors.
"You look lost."
I smile as I hear my favorite sound in the world. Turning around, I take in Ellen's beautiful form. Her blonde hair sits on her shoulders in loose curls while her long black dress falls loosely down her petite figure.
"Ellen." I say, smiling. I hold my hand out for her and she takes it.
"Walk me in?" she asks.
"Wouldn't have it any other way." I tell her. We step onto the carpet and stop for pictures, having fun. I let go of her hand and loop my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I look down at her and smile softly while looking into her eyes. She places her hand on my chest, smiling up at me. We continue down the carpet until we arrive at the door and walk in together.
"Where's Chris?" I ask, leading her toward our table.
"He doesn't like these types of things. What about you? Is Jill here?" she asks.
"Yes but i'm not sure where." I tell her, looking around.
"Pat. Ellen." someone shouts. I look for the source of the noise and find Sandra waving at us from a table filled with our cast mates and my wife. I quickly release Ellen's hand and walk to sit next to Jill. Reaching under the table, I grab Jill's hand but she quickly pulls it away. I look at her with confusion but she continues to talk to Isaiah Washington. Ellen sits next to me and I decide to converse with her.
"How late do you think they'll go tonight?" she asks with amusement. I chuckle and shrug.
"Ten? Maybe Eleven." I guess. She smirks and shrugs.
"Twenty says they go past eleven." she says with confidence.
"You're on, Pompeo." I say, sticking my hand out. She takes it and shakes it gently.
"You guys going to the after party?" Sandra asks us.
"What after party?" I ask.
"At the bar downtown. You guys didn't know about it?" she asks.
"No. How do you know about it?" Ellen asks.
"Isaiah told me. He's organizing it. It's just the main cast members going. No crew members or directors." Sandra whispers, leaning toward us.
"Main cast members? Ellen and I didn't even hear about it." I say, chuckling.
"Well are you going or not?" she asks. "We need a head count."
"I'll go." Ellen says, looking at me.
"Yeah, sure." I say nodding. Sandra smiles and turns away from us back to Justin and Kathryn.
Ellen turns back to me and smiles. I place my arm on the back of her chair and lean toward her.
"You look beautiful." I whisper in her ear.
"Pat." she whispers, glaring up at me.
"What? I'm just telling the truth." I say smiling mischievously. She rolls her eyes but continues to smile widely.
The ceremony begins and I sit back in my seat. Jill taps on my shoulder impatiently. I look over and see her standing up.
"I'm leaving." she says angrily.
"Why?" I ask, standing up with her. I walk her out of the theater and into the empty hallway.
"I'm just tired of feeling like I don't belong. Now let's go." she demands.
"Babe, I can't. I was nominated. I have to stay." I tell her.
"Then give me the keys." she says, holding her hand out. I dig the keys out of my pocket and hand them to her.
"How am I supposed to get home?" I ask.
"Figure it out!" she shouts, walking away. Sighing, I go back in and sit next to Ellen.
"Everything alright?" Ellen whispers. I smile and force myself to nod.
"You're lying." she whispers.
"Don't worry about it, El. It's not a big deal." I whisper back. She smiles and reaches under the table to place her hand on my thigh. I place my hand on top of hers and squeeze it gently, taking comfort in her presence.

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