Chapter 19

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I woke up but in time for Faith to get some rest. "You need all the sleep you can get." "Why?" she asked sleepily. "Your body needs to heal. You need to gain your full strength back." "Okay." She whispers then falls into a deep sleep. I am sitting in the chair just watching her sleep because I don't have the guts to fall asleep. I am afraid to leave her even just to catch a few extra minutes of sleep. As the night grew into morning, Faith finally wakes up and a nurse comes to take some bloodwork. "Sorry to stick you so early. But if you are going home today we need to get everything cleared and that includes bloodwork." "If you must." Faith says laughing. I hated seeing Faith being poked and ran around like a crazy person but if this is what it takes for her to come home then that is okay. We sat waiting for the doctor to come and give us a final rundown before he decides if he wants to discharge her into my care. "Ms. Faith. You are in much better condition than you were when you arrived. That crack is starting to show signs of healing normally." "That is really good!" Faith said. "Yes it is! But something does strike me as odd." "That is?" I asked. "Well it seems that you are pregnant." He said looking at Faith. "I am what?" "You are expecting a baby." "How far along?" "Not far along. In fact it looks like conception just really started." Oh crap I can't even think. "Do you know who the father could be?" "It can't be Ryan's." Faith whispered. "It has to be mine." I said getting very giddy. "Yes it does." Faith says slowly, like she is unsure of this news. "I will give you two a moment while I get the discharge papers together." We both nodded. We just kind of sat in silence until I couldn't any more. "Please say something!" I begged her. "What can I say?" "Well whether or not you are excited about this baby?" "I am excited. It's just a lot to take in." "A lot to take in?" I said laughing. "Faith, this is the best news of my life. I am in love with the most beautiful girl in the world and she is pregnant with my child." "So you aren't mad?" she whispered. "Oh heavens no." "Okay. Well I feel a lot better." "Good. Because once you get home prepared to be pampered." I said gently kissing her forehead.

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