Chapter 22

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"Gracie!" I say happily as I enter the house and pick her up. "Where is mommy?" I asked curiously. "There!" Gracie said pointing. I walk into the living room to see Faith asleep on the couch with an almost empty bottle of wine. Before I decide to wake her up I take Gracie up and put her down for her nap. Every time Faith gets a little stressed or a wake of pain comes she drinks. I hate Ryan for what he did to Faith, but I hate him even more for allowing her to turn to alcohol for relief. I sigh as I go back downstairs to Faith and already know this is going to be a battle. "Faith." I whisper and rub her gently. "I am home, wake up." Thankfully she stirs quickly and sits up slowly. "Hey." She says realizing what has happened again. "Where is Gracie?" she asked concerned. "Taking her nap. She was right at the door when I got here." "Shit." Faith says attempting to stand but sits back down immediately. "Take it easy. You drank quite a bit." I say motioning for me to pick her up. She is quick to comply and I get her in my arms and up to our room. "What happened today?" I asked trying to see what led to her drinking. "None of the songs sounded good today. I ended up with three that I liked and the album deadline is coming up." "I understand that feeling. But baby you didn't need to drink, you just need to not put so much pressure on yourself." I say sitting next to her. "The drinking relieves the pain. It makes it go away. How do you not understand that?" "I do understand that." I say trying to avoid another fight. But before I could say anything else Gracie began to scream from the other room. "I'll get it!" Faith says. "No. I will you are too drunk baby." I leave our room and walk into Gracie's room. "Dadadada." She babbles. "Hey princess." I say back as I pick her up. I walk over to her rocking chair and begin the slight rocking motion. I look into her little eyes and I begin to cry. I am losing control over my wife and I want to make things back to the way they were.

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