Chapter Three

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*Anne's POV*

I wake up, pretty early in the morning, around two or three. I look over the bed and see Jake was on the bed sleeping. Shaking my head in confusion, I wondered, didn't he say he was sleeping on the floor? Oh well. I looked at the window, and cursed under my breath. It way to early to be awake.

Stretching, I slid out of bed, attempting not to wake the sleeping boy. Success! I tiptoed over to the dresser, noticing there was a basket on top of it. Slowly, and carefully, I silently opened the basket, almost gasping at what I saw in it. Makeup, brushes, combs, hairspray, hairbands, and a note. Curious, I took the note out and slowly read it. It read: "Hey, here are some supplies for the girl. My wife made me give this to you. Hope you feel pretty."

Smiling, I went to check out what makeup was in this thing. I usually don't use much, only on special occasions. There was cotton balls, makeup remover wipes, several different kinds of mascara, lipsticks, blushes, eye liners, and eye shadow. I picked out a dark pink lipstick, some black mascara, and a black eye liner, skipping the blush and eye shadow. After picking out my clothes, a dark blue shirt with a picture of a wolf on it, and knee length jeans, I picked out a brush. After brushing my long brown hair, I put it in a simple pony tail. It looked horrible. Frowning, I took it out and braided my hair.

Hearing the bed creak, I looked at the bed. Sure enough, Jake was stirring.
        "Finally up, huh. I already has gotten dressed, brushed my hair, and braided it, and put on makeup." I remarked.
He stared at me, and I walked across the room to stare out the window.
      "If only there was a use to all the makeup and stuff." Jake muttered, staring at the basket.
I looked at him.
      "Have a problem with it? I plan on stealing the makeup, also." I casually stated.
He stares at me in disbelief.

We stare at each other for a couple minutes, and someone opens the door.
      "Hello. My name is Mary. What's your names?" She announced, walking into the room.
She smiles warmly at us, sitting on the chair. I go and shove Jake off the bed, making him sit on the other chair. Smiling, I said,
      "I'm Anne. That is Jake." She looks at me and replies,
      "Did you like what I supplied for you? You look very beautiful." Lowering her voice she continued,"Sorry about the bed. I will bring in a cot later."
I laugh.
      "Thank you! You are very-" A voice calls down the hall interrupting me,
I look at Mary in disappointment. She smiles sadly at me, standing up."Farewell, Anne and Jake." Jake looks uneasy, but waves goodbye.
      "See you later, Mary."
I look at him, trying to figure out what to do. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. A man comes into the room.

--edited chapter--

How's that? I kinda did it longer. I will try to make the next one longer.

The Unexpected LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz