Chapter Four

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*Jake's POV*

We stare up in shock. The man standing before us is tall, strong, and sturdy built. He looks like he had been in the army. I look over at Anne, and see her staring up at him, her mouth slightly open. I debate between teasing her, and saying hello to the guy. I'll be nice.
      "Hello. My name is Jake, and this is Anne." I force my tone to be pleasant and smile at him.
He nods, and looks at me.
      "Come with me, Jake. I have a job for you." He commanded.
My heart begins racing.
      "M-me?" I stutter.
Anne looks solemn, and looks at me.
      "Go. Be safe!" She lowers her voice to a whisper. "Quickly look around when you get out."
I nod and turn my attention to the man, who was looking at me skeptically.
      "Let's go." I declare.

      He takes my arm, and leads me to a room. I follow Anne's instructions, and look around quickly, memorizing all the ways, and the route to the room he was leading me to.

*Anne's POV*

I sit in silence waiting for Jake to come back. But then another man comes into the room. He grabs me harshly, growling
      "Let's go."
I try to struggle out of his grasp and he slaps me.

      Then he drags me to a room, with nothing but a chair. I refuse to get in it, so he shoves me into the chair, slamming my head against the back. For a couple seconds I see stars. The guy takes off my shirt. I squirm. He just laughs, turns and asks his buddy,
      "Should we gag her, Henry?" He chuckles menacingly.
Oh, hell no. Henry looks at me sympathetically, and when I shake my head, no, he tells the first man,
      "Nah. Good idea, though, Max. But, it'd be better to hear her screams."
Max nods, and ties me into the chair. I wonder what they're doing to me...
      They walk out of the room. I think of calling for help, but then I think of what the man said. It'd be better to hear her screams. I won't give them satisfaction. Though I'm pretty sure that's what he meant, I still have a really bad feeling about it, like there's something more to it. A couple minutes later, my suspicions were confirmed. The two men burst into the room, carrying all kinds of wips, spiked, hard leather, soft leather, etc. Oh fuck. They're going to torture me.
      Henry comes forward, grabbing a soft leather whip from his belt. Max steps forward grabbing the whip out of his hand, replacing it with a hard leather whip.
      "If you want use plain leather, then use a hard. I'm using a spiked." He remarked.
I wince immediately, as I'm forced out of the chair. Max drags me over to the wall and straps my hands to it, so I can't get on the ground or run away. He raises his whip, and hits me across my back, ripping flesh of my body. I scream in agony. Henry darts forward, and hands him a hard leather whip.
      "Dude! We want her alive!" He exclaims.
      Max laughs, "I'm just having some fun! Relax. I only wanted to try that once."

*Jake's POV*

After I'm in the room, he tells me to go work out. I look around. This place has a amazing gym! After working out for a bit, the guy tells me to take a break, because we are going back to the room.

      Once back, I notice there is a cot with blankets piled on top. I also notice Anne is not there. Has she made her break without me? I look at the guy that brought me to the gym. He just frowns, nods at me, and walks off. All of a sudden I hear I scream. That sounded like Anne! Oh no!

      A couple hours later a guy shoves Anne into the room, and throws a shirt in. A light shove, one she can usually handle, but she begins to fall. I run over and catch her, only to have her gasp in pain. As I help her to sit down I notice she is covered in blood. "Anne! What happened?!"
Then as she struggles to find words, the door opens again.

--edited chapter--

Mwa-ha-ha!! I am merciless!! Just kidding, I'm sorry I haven't updated!! I've had writers block for a while.. hope you liked this though! Yet again, another cliffhanger.. sorry 'bout that. Anyway, comment if you have questions, or suggestions! Love y'all!

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