Riku the Shaymin

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Well, since he's basically integral to the entire subplot between both Voltflare's and my own stories, I might as well start by introducing Riku the Shaymin. Now, from what I know, Riku, himself, had been cursed about five years when he placed himself in the way of an incoming attack for his Trainer, taking the brunt of the attack for him. That attack was none other than Gengar's Curse, which, as he put it, "quite literally made his blood boil." That same Curse is what ended up changing his life forever- now, every time night falls, his teal-green fur becomes a ghastly dull-yellow, and his eyes a blood-red. This appearance must have scared his Trainer as much as it did him, because he immediately abandoned Riku to his fate in the wilderness, where he wandered as a nomad for four years. There, Riku found out that his curse had the special ability to conjure Ghostly spirits out of possessed Pokemon, which makes it much easier to combat Ghosts on an adventure, as well as being able to heal wounds, regardless of severity, by physically drawing out the pain from them and taking it on, himself. As one can expect, this kind of act drains him considerably, so his cleric abilities are only used sparingly.

 Then, he happened upon me, bleeding in the forest one day, and the rest, as they say, is history.

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