Your Touch Is Electric ||Mettaton x Reader, Fluff||

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Today is a normal day. Like any other day you start it off the same. You got to the bathroom, take a quick 10 minute shower, brush your hair and teeth, and get ready to seize the day. It's your normal thing. Living in between both worlds have been busy. People are even living with monsters and heck, some of them are even married to them, for example Frisk got married to Chara. Strange huh?

Besides that, you went downstairs and of course your little brother and sister were running around the house. Your little sister, (insert name) was running away from (insert name), who was chasing her with a stick. You shook you head at them and went to the kitchen. Your mother was making breakfast and of course, she was making your favorite. You sat down as your mother calmed down your siblings.

You , of course, wasn't paying any mind to it. You hate it when it was too quiet or too loud. Then again, you managed to block out all annoying sounds.

"Y/N, please back before dark. I don't want you to be out there, who knows who's out there. Monster or human." She said.

"Yeah, yeah." You replied. You ate most of your food before she gave you a serious look.

"I mean it young man/lady." She added.

"Yes mother." You huffed out. She smiled and kissed your head. You got up and excused yourself from the table. You went into the living room and grabbed your tickets from the 'MTT Talk Show' for tonight. You haven't been seeing the famous robot expect on TV. Who knew he'd be even more famous since you broke the barrier.

Girls at your school have been...needy... For him. You were special to him though. He remembered you. So, he sent you tickets to his show with a backstage pass. You couldn't wait to reconnect with your robotic friend.

As time went on, all you really did was walk around and looked at shops and clothes. You didn't know what to wear either. You wanted to look nice for it though. Something did catch your eye. It was your favorite clothing brand called (insert favorite clothing brand). You just had to get it, which you did.

As you walked to the place where the talk show would be held you could see the long lines of people and monsters. It stretched for miles on end. You were the only one with this exclusive pass though. You went to the backstage, passing through body guards.

You walked down the long hallway until you came to a door labeled 'Mettaton'. You knocked on it three times.

"Please hold on a second darling~!" Chimed a familiar robotic voice. You smiled to yourself before the door opened.

"Y/N! You came!" He said excited. "Oh do come in darling!" He stepped aside to let you in. You walked in and looked around at the huge dressing room. You were amazed. Mettaton closed the door behind you with a smile.

"I really am glad you came here Y/N." He said with a hum. "It's been so long! How have you been, dear~?" He asked.

"I've been great! School is almost over and I'm just so happy. I finally get to chill out you know?" You smiled.

He smiled back. Mettaton sighed a bit.

"It's been quite difficult for me. I'm happy with my fans but... Some of them..." He trailed off.

You placed a hand on top of his. "Mettaton. It's okay." You said softly to him. "I'm here for you." You smiled.

Mettaton looked at you with tears in his eyes. "T..Thank you..." He felt happier. You brought him into a warm, tender hug. He embraced the love you gave him. That's what he loved about you. You were so warm and encouraging.

Mettaton looked at you before kissing you gently. His lips were warm and soft. Your eyes widened since you were caught off guard at first but then you slowly shut them, embracing the kiss. His thumb rubbed your hand. A minute later you two parted.

"Let's go, Y/N." He said. "We've got a show to do."

You nodded. This was going to be the best day of your life.


714 words. Wow. That was fun to write, empty minded.

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