Judgement ||Underswap! Papyrus x Reader, Fluff||

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You've killed so many innocent monsters. Your bruises, dust from others, blood as well. You were on your way to the final bosses, determination within your eyes. A smirk on your face as the blood complimented your skin beautiful. You hit your save file as you walked into the final corridors.

Looking down the hallways, no one was in sight. You shrugged and walked down the hallway, thinking that he fled with the others. You were wrong. As you walked towards the end, he was there.

"You've been busy huh, Y/N." He chuckled slightly. "Killing innocent monsters... killing my brother...." He smirked a bit with a cig in his mouth. Papyrus. You stayed quiet

"Too determined to talk?" He asked. You room a step forward, clenching your knife. "Heh, don't take another step. I'm warning ya." He said.

You were daring and took another step. "Alright kid, I warned ya." He said, your SOUL appeared before you. You were in battle.  You growled lowly as he started off his beginning attack.

You dodged it quite well. Papyrus smirked at you, knowing your weak spots. The battle was close. You were down to your last bits of health before he walked over to you. He gently gripped your chin gently.

"Y/N..." He started. "I don't know why but
...I thought you were the one before you killed my brother..." He said with a soft sigh. His finger traced your bottom, bloody lip.

You gasped softly as his finger traced it. "I really....really love ya kiddo. Now, I can't...." He muttered. His eyes averted downwards. Suddenly, he kisses you, gripping your hair. Your eyes widened before melting into the kiss.

Soon he pulled away. "Maybe in another timeline...where you don't kill everyone.... Where you don't kill my brother..." A tear went down his cheekbone as he summoned a gaster blaster. He stood up before you. "Where I can love you...not the monster you..." He charged it.

"I'll be happy with you then... Y/n..." He muttered before firing at you. You died remembering those words.

//Short I know. I didn't know what to say really.

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