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Mia's POV
I woke up the next morning. The van was already moving. I sat still with my legs crossed. I was picturing things. I was on a carriage riding off into the sunset with Chin and Kono, laughing and smiling. But I wasn't. I was still in the retched van. Then me, Christian and Mary talked really quietly so the men wouldn't hear us. I was beginning to get really nervous. What do the men want from us?

Kono's POV
It's been three days since Mia went missing and I still can't cope it. I go to HQ.

"Any updates?" I ask with a sigh.

"Yeah," Steve muttered, "Four kids gone missing, two still in Hawaii, other two from Boston."

"any names?" I ask. This could be a lot easier.

"From Hwaii theres Christian Dimitri Meyer and Mary Alexis Angelo."

"And from Boston?"

"Alejandro Garcia and Minha Santos." Steve finished.

"So that means there's more than three men." Danny said.

"How are we going to find them," Grover said, "It could takes months."

My heart dropped. I sighed. I wish we could find Mia.

Mia's POV
Soon the van stops. Me, Christian and Mary sit really still and quiet. The doors of the van open. Christian was grabbed by one, Mary by the other, and I must have been grabbed by the leader. I was slung over his shoulder as he walked to this warehouse place. I was then suddenly thrown onto the floor. I hit my head really badly.

"Get Up!!" the man growled angrily.

I quickly stood up, scared. The man took my dress off, I was left in my bikini.

"Put this on!" The man ordered.

He chucked me the thing we had to wear. It was a ripped pair of brown baggy trousers and a dirty,baggy top. The man came back once I had got changed. I also had to wear a big pair of boots. I was taken to a place where there were loads more kids like me. But there was one horrifying difference. The kids were beaten up, bruised.
"Here," the man said handing me a scrubbing brush, "you will clean the whole of this floor, if I see the littlest speck of dirt you will be punished." And with that he left. I scrubbed and scrubbed all day. In a few hours the man came back. He inspected my work. I dreaded what would happen next. The man came up to me and......
Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in sooo long. I will try and update as soon I as I can because I have lots of homework and exams.

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